Displaying 521 - 530 of 726
29 April 2020
April 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - Mr. Rabih El-Haddad, Director of the UNITAR Division for Multilateral Diplomacy, reflects on the momentous changes with which the diplomatic world had to grapple in the span of a few months, and contemplates on paths for a successful transition, using UNITAR's example.
21 April 2020
21 April 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and microlearning platform EdApp today announced their collaborative effort “Educate All,” a global learning initiative designed to democratize and increase access to free, high-quality adult education.
20 April 2020
Maksim is a young researcher at Moscow State University in Russia with a thirst for knowledge. He is also professionally active in a non-profit agricultural organization. The subject matter of the FAO-UNITAR course seemed an interesting addition to his research, and previous positive experiences with FAO training convinced him to apply.
20 April 2020
"The activities of the project that EPA, UNDP and UNITAR have supported has significantly increased the priority given to mercury management in Ghana."
19 April 2020
Immediately after the course, he got the opportunity to engage in a forum where an agriculture implementation strategy was being developed for Kenya. This was perfect timing for Kelvin, as the course was still fresh in his mind and agriculture is a key sector for Kenyan trade.
15 April 2020
15 April 2020, Madrid, Spain – UNITAR and CIFAL Merida in partnership with ITAérea Aeronautical Business School, the Airport Group of the Southeast of Mexico (ASUR) and the Airports Council International Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) launched today the Diploma in Airport Management - online modality.
24 March 2020
23 March 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – Following the signature of a partnership agreement on March 3rd 2020, UNITAR is pleased to launch the first edition of the Master’s in International Affairs and Diplomacy in Lebanon with ESA Business School.
20 March 2020
UN CC:Learn launched a new e-course 'Climate Change: From Learning to Action'. It provides a comprehensive understanding of climate change and how to turn your knowledge into action to take a stand against this issue. Registrations opened!
17 March 2020
In February 2020, UNITAR Division for Peace launched a roster of trainers to consolidate the best expertise and knowledge available globally in the fields of peacekeeping, peacebuilding, crisis management, and conflict transformation. Applications are accepted through the online questionnaire, accessible through the links in the respective vacancy announcements. Vacancy announcements are grouped by thematic areas, with each group being published every two-three weeks.
13 March 2020
UN CC:Learn and Malawi launched a joint project on Climate Change Learning Strategy. The National Planning Workshop contributed to the review of the 2013 National Climate Change Learning Strategy and served as a means to foment dialogue between key stakeholders in Malawi and other partner countries.