Division for Peace
The Advisory Board provides technical and critical analysis of the Division activities to ensure that the quality standards adopted in compliance with the UNITAR mandate and UN guidelines are respected and well-integrated in everything we do.
Division for People
UNITAR draws on the vast experience and knowledge of the Advisory Board members in order to ensure that the Division remains on the cutting edge of offering training, technical assistance and knowledge sharing opportunities aimed at strengthening the capacities of government authorities and policy makers, to develop and implement strategies towards social inclusion.
Division for Prosperity
The Advisory Board champions two key UNITAR tenets: leave no one behind; and reach the furthest behind first. Advisory Board members support our vision and mission through the thoughtful analysis of the Division’s strategic planning and programme implementation, designed to affect long-term change that creates sustainable impact and empowers people and institutions to act as multipliers for positive change.
Division on NCD, Digital Health, and Capacity Building Advisory Board
The Advisory Board for the NCD, Digital Health, and Capacity Building Division brings together a distinguished group of experts committed to UNITAR’s vision, mission, and strategic objectives. UNITAR draws on the wealth of knowledge and experience of the Advisory Board members to remain at the forefront of capacity building, technical assistance, and knowledge sharing in the field of public health.
Evaluation Advisory Board
The Advisory Board serves as a forum to advise the Executive Director and the Division for Strategic Planning and Performance on the conduct, use and follow-up on evaluation as an important tool support the governance and oversight functions of the Institute. The Board also advises on broader issues of organizational performance and learning.