A solid and proactive engagement with partners is instrumental to achieving effective, efficient and sustainable results. In accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/215, UNITAR views partnerships as “voluntary and collaborative relationships between various parties, both public and non-public, in which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and, as mutually agreed, to share risks and responsibilities, resources and benefits.”
Partnerships may be donation-based, may support project implementation or may be characterized by broader strategic considerations. Partners include organizations as diverse as other UN entities and international organizations, governments, universities and other academic bodies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), foundations and businesses. More than two-thirds of UNITAR learners benefit from partnership-based programming, where UNITAR combines its expertise in training and adult-learning methodologies with partner expertise in substantive areas and local contexts.

UNITAR is a project-based organization and does not receive any funds from the United Nations regular budget. UNITAR is financed entirely from voluntary contributions derived mainly from UN Member States, other UN agencies, international and intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and the business sector.
Most donor support to UNITAR is in the form of contributions earmarked for specific purposes. Non-earmarked contributions to the General Fund account for some 2 per cent of resources. In 2019, UNITAR established the Leave No One Behind Fund as a softly earmarked instrument designed to leverage donor support for achieving the Institute’s 2018-2021 strategic objectives UNITAR is grateful to all organizations and individuals who support its work.
For enquiries, please contact donors@unitar.org.

Implementing partners are a category of partners to which UNITAR transfers funds in the form of a grant for the delivery of specific project deliverables.
UNITAR’s policy guidelines governing implementing partners requires competitive selection for grants valued above $100,000, unless covered by the clause on exceptions. Eligible entities for such grants are government agencies; nonprofit entities such as foundations, NGOs, academic bodies; or other UN or international organizations. Individuals are not eligible to receive grants.
Click here for more detailed information on UNITAR’s implementing partner policy guidelines.
Title/TOR | Reference | Country | Notice date | Deadline for submitting | Status | Name of selected implementing partner | Grant award |
After carefully reviewing the terms of reference (ToR) of the Notice under Section 1 above and the Overview of Competitive Selection of Grants to Implementing Partners please complete the following documents and send them to grants@unitar.org or by fax to +41 22 917 8047 with the relevant grant notice reference in the subject line to the attention of the Partnerships and Grant Oversight Unit.
Form - Technical and financial proposal responding to the specification or terms of reference (ToR);
Questions should be addressed to grants@unitar.org
Implementing partner | Project title | Country | Region | Duration* | Agreement value |