
Stabilization Facility for Libya – Stronger for Libya (SFL2) Output 3: Local Peace Structures and Conflict Management Capacity. Support to Libyan CSOs

Libya continues to face major challenges in its transition to democratic rule in the aftermath of the 2011 revolution. The “Stabilization Facility for Libya” implemented by UNDP, is a vehicle to support the efforts of Libya to bridge the critical period of transition from the initial period of humanitarian relief towards mid- and long-term structural and sector-specific support. The interventions were designed to strengthen national unity and reinforce state authorities for all Libyans through the support of three activities sets, each with a dedicated output:

  • Output 1: Basic services and light infrastructure restored
  • Output 2: Immediate capacity support for municipalities and local partners
  • Output 3: Local peace structures and conflict management capacity

Since 2020, UNITAR is supporting UNDP in the delivery of Output 3 activities on Local Peace Structures and Conflict Management Capacity to drive the SFL’s engagement in Libya through support for local stability.

UNITAR, Face-To-Face Event, March 2022, Tunis

In such framework, through a tailored comprehensive capacity building and development programme UNITAR‘s work aims at deepening the knowledge and enhancing the skills of local Libyan Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on different topics, in particular, technical capacities to analyse and manage conflict and develop programming solutions contributing to peace on the local level, and organisational capacities to sustain and improve operations and to apply for funds from UNDP's micro-grants scheme.

The capacity building programme includes measures to build and develop capacities of local CSO partners through tailored training workshops as well as mentoring and coaching activities.  Gender mainstreaming is a focus throughout all activities.  The programme is designed to support the daily work of local CSO partners and to continuously strengthen their ability to contribute to the delivery of Output 3.

The capacity building programme includes measures to build and develop capacities of local CSO partners through tailored training workshops as well as mentoring and coaching activities.  Gender mainstreaming is a focus throughout all activities.  The programme is designed to support the daily work of local CSO partners and to continuously strengthen their ability to contribute to the delivery of Output 3.

The Low Value Grant mechanism

To further consolidate the capacities of local Libyan CSOs, UNITAR is supporting CSOs to develop a Conflict Analysis plan to apply for UNDP’s micro-grants scheme.  The micro-grants scheme was designed to make the peace more inclusive and stronger and to secure a commitment from the local peace structure.

To be considered for the grant, CSOs should have followed the trainings provided by UNITAR, be pre-selected by UNDP as eligible, and present a proposal where they detailed the context, objective, justification, methodology of their project and a Result-based Work Plan.

In the framework of the first Low-Value Grant, once the CSOs have been selected by UNDP, they started implementing activities before reporting back to UNDP. More concretely, the selected CSOs were expected to present a conflict analysis report. This included:

  • Develop data collection instruments that fit adequately with the conflict analysis tools that can be used in the targeted cities 
  • Conduct an in-depth participatory conflict analysis on the local level
  • Ensure conflict sensitivity and gender sensitivity in the planning and implementation phases of the conflict analysis, especially the inclusion of women’s voices throughout the process
  • Incorporate the voices of the marginalized groups (e.g. young people, women, residents from minority tribes) throughout the conflict analysis phases and allocate the needed mechanisms to include their perspectives

In such framework, UNITAR provided coaching sessions on proposal writing, plan implementation, and reporting to assist participants throughout the program.

The second Low-Value grant is focused on supporting community-based dialogue and mediation to facilitate the implementation of social cohesion initiative. The same conditions of eligibility as Grant 1 were applied to Grant 2.

The training component: Building capacities of Libyan Civil Society Organisations to lead

To deepen the knowledge and enhance the skills of local Libyan CSOs in the technical areas of conflict management, including the analysis, mapping, and monitoring of conflicts as well as techniques to support the transformation of conflict through dialogue and other transformation strategies, UNITAR designed 11 dedicated training courses.  The training courses are delivered through virtual platforms entirely in Arabic.

Strengthening these areas is crucial to the achievement of a locally-led sustainable peace in Libya.

The coaching and mentoring component: Application of learning between training workshops

UNITAR, Face-To-Face Event, March 2022, Tunis

In order to support learning, as well as the building and development of capacities in the different thematic areas, learning reinforcement activities are not limited to training workshops.   UNITAR provides a tailored learning reinforcement scheme to local CSO partners based on a one-to-one support through coaching and mentoring activities.  The objective of this component is to further strengthen the knowledge and skills transferred during the trainings, in the view of ensuring local ownership and long-term sustainability.

Through different modes of delivery, coaches assist and advise local CSOs partners in applying the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained during the different trainings in their daily work in organizational areas such as: project management,  gender mainstreaming, budget management,  reporting,  writing proposals, donor mapping; and technical areas such as: drafting conflict analysis reports, stakeholder mapping, risk assessments, drafting of background papers, monitoring potential triggers of violence, among other topics addressed during trainings. 

Our Methodology

We focus on a highly interactive learning-by-doing approach using case studies derived from recent Libyan and regional experience. The design process of each training workshop is based on three pillars:

  • Interactivity, collaboration and participation: all the training workshops and coaching and mentoring sessions aim to involve participants actively, by encouraging questions and active participation. UNITAR trainers and coaches use a diversity of online tools, videos and animations to engage participants throughout the sessions and facilitate their involvement.
  • Action-learning: In addition to presenting conceptual topics and terms, the training workshops and coaching sessions are focused on ‘learning-by-doing’ approach that allows participants to acquire some of the necessary skills, competences, and tools. This included discussing case studies and applying learned concepts through scenarios while also presenting challenges faced in real-life situations. It draws on problem-solving situations through teamwork or individual learning in order to advance individual skills. 
  • Networking: The online training workshops and group coaching sessions, as well as the face-to-face events provide an opportunity for CSOs to present their work amongst each other and as an initial step towards bridging the gap between service delivery and networking. This allows for the leveraging of participants’ experience, knowledge and personal resources by encouraging CSOs to present their work with beneficiaries. 

Face-to-Face event in Tunis

UNITAR, Face-To-Face Event, March 2022, Tunis

UNITAR, in coordination with UNDP Libya, organised a two-day event for the 12 Libyan CSOs partners in Tunis, Tunisia between March 15th and 16th to hold the first face to face event bringing together CSOs, partners and representatives from UNITAR and UNDP Libya. The meeting covered a wide range of issues and provided updates related to CSOs’ work on the 1st Low Value Grant (LVG) over the previous months. It also allowed participants to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences.

Moreover, the event allowed to launch the 2nd Low Value Grant to support community-based dialogue and mediation to facilitate the implementation of social cohesion initiatives. CSOs were provided with information on the 2nd Low Value Grant such as administrative guidance on the application process, selection criteria and grant management information.

The event led to the creation of a network of CSOs who will be joining forces to strengthen peace keeping and mediation efforts on the ground.


Participants shared their experience and work on the ground after the successful completion of UNITAR’s trainings.

“With the right qualifications we can reach our objectives, get closer to achieving social reconciliation and peace in our communities... Inshallah” - Khadidja, Asser Organization

“What we have learned on conflict analysis is relevant to our real-life issues. We have learnt a lot and are still learning.” - Aymen, Mizan

“Our trainings with UNITAR have helped us achieve considerable successes in conflict resolution” - Najet, Nana Marin

“UNITAR trainings have given me confidence in myself as a trainer”  - Anwar, National Organization for Libyan Youth

Closure of Event

On the 14th to 15th of November 2022, UNITAR in collaboration with UNDP delivered the closure event of the Output 3 of the initiative Stabilization Facilities for Libya (SFL). The event was attended by 16 Libyan CSO partners who implemented the Conflict Analysis plan through the first low-value grant and/or the activities in the framework of the SFL initiative of the second LVG. The event allowed participants to share their experiences, connect and improve future initiatives of UNITAR and UNDP by providing their valuable feedback. In the framework of this initiative, UNITAR has been training and coaching Libyan CSOs and local peace structures from July 2021 until November 2022. 


It was an honor to collaborate with our CSO partners on this project. UNITAR's team wishes them much success in their future endeavors.


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