
The Institute’s evaluation function is guided by an evaluation policy and serves accountability, decision-making, organizational learning and quality improvement purposes.

The policy is operationalized at the centralized and decentralized levels. At the centralized level, the Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Unit acts as the custodian of the evaluation function and undertakes independent evaluations of projects and other undertakings e.g. on a cluster or thematic basis. At the decentralized level, Programme Units undertake self-evaluations of projects and activities, the results of which are usually incorporated into project narrative reports. The reports of independent evaluations are disclosed on this website.

An Evaluation Advisory Board advises UNITAR on the conduct, use and follow-up on evaluation as a tool to support the Institute’s governance and oversight functions.  

UNITAR is a member of the United Nations Evaluation Group, a professional network of some 50 United Nations agencies. UNITAR adheres to the UNEG Norms and Standards for evaluation and other UNEG guidance documents. UNITAR evaluation staff also engage with other professional networks, including the EVALSDGs network, which was established under EvalPartners in response to the need to embed effective monitoring, evaluation and learning in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


How we evaluate training

UNITAR applies the Kirkpatrick/Phillips evaluation approach to evaluate training. This approach categorizes evaluation data based on five levels, including Level 1 (reaction and planned action), Level 2 (learning and confidence), Level 3 (application and implementation), Level 4 (impact/organizational change) and Level 5 (Return on Investment-ROI), as shown in the figure below.


The evaluation policy sets out the requirements for applying the Kirkpatrick-Phillips approach, which is based on training duration or monetary thresholds of projects.

In addition to training, the policy establishes requirements for broader capacity development projects, with independent evaluations mandated for projects budgeted from $1.5 million. More information on the evaluation function at UNITAR can be obtained by contacting the Unit at evaluation@unitar.org.

Independent and Other Corporate Evaluation Reports

This page includes reports of independent evaluations and other corporate evaluation undertakings. 

Evaluation Plan

Evaluation name

UNITAR division

Estimated evaluation period

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