Based on the findings and conclusions above, the evaluation produced ten recommendations touching on seven themes.
Recommendation 1: On gender
Develop and use an explicit GEEW strategy for the project that builds upon the work of Women and Gender at SAICM. This should include developing a GEEW entry point for the Toolbox.
Recommendation 2: On the theory of change and targets
Reflect on the ongoing validity of the Phase III project theory of change at the Phase IV MTE, by filling out a third column added to Table 4 in the main body of this report.
Review and adjust the baseline and percentage increase per year for targets in the project logical framework, to ensure they are set at a realistic level.
Recommendation 3: On capacity development
Develop and implement a capacity development strategy that includes the Kirkpatrick framework and individual, organisational, and enabling environment dimensions of capacity development, as well as guidelines for when to hold in-person meetings and when cheaper virtual meetings will suffice. Build national networks of Toolbox trainers of trainers taking advantage of UNITAR’s experience with capacity development and UNIDO’s experience with ToT.
Informed by this strategy, Phase IV will be able to better follow up on how Toolbox users and workshop and webinar participants are using project outputs. Success cases should be developed for communication purposes. The success cases should show how the Toolbox has contributed to specific outcome trajectories relating to better chemical management at country level.
Recommendation 4: On the administrative and financial collaboration
Allow for staff time and budget to deal with the administrative and bureaucratic impediments identified in Phase III that happen when running a multi-partner project, and which cannot be changed at project level.
Recommendation 5: On linkages
Phase IV of the project should take the opportunity to set a good example of POs working together to establish inter- and intra-sectoral partnerships, networks and collaborative mechanisms to share information, experiences, and lessons learned. This could include organizing capacity building workshops jointly, i.e., in a ToT format, where other organisations are invited as co-organisers.
Recommendation 6: On likelihood of impact
Embed the project more deeply in national chemical management processes by contributing to carefully selected ones, such as building a cross-sectoral and integrated approach to ensure the sound management of chemicals. In this context, identify and support a network of ‘Toolbox’ champions to increase the number of project beneficiaries at national level.
Recommendation 7: On likelihood of sustainability
Phase IV of the project should explore building complementarity between the Toolbox and SAICM's Knowledge portal to sustain the Toolbox after external funding finishes.
Phase IV should endeavour to make the Toolbox relevant to a broader audience and find ways of making it useful on an on-going basis, so users return to the site. Phase IV should set itself the target of increasing visits to the web site by an order of magnitude to make it more likely to sustain funding to keep it going.