The Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) brings together nine UN and multilateral organizations that aim to strengthen international cooperation on chemical safety and improve coordination of their own chemicals-related policies and activities through the IOMC.
The IOMC Toolbox for Decision Making in Chemicals Management Project is a logical response to increasing needs and demands from policymakers working within developing and transitional economies. The toolbox was developed to provide an easy, web-based access to a consolidated library of guidance material and other resources, and to provide a structured decision-making tool which would guide users towards the most appropriate, cost-effective chemicals management solutions in line with their own national resource constraints. The toolbox aims to support implementation of Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). Phase ll aimed to undertake in-depth piloting of the toolbox, develop and integrate considerably more content within the system and undertake a significant programme of promotion and training.
IOMC Participating Organizations
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- UN Environment
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Bank
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Toolbox content:
SCHEMES (Phase I and II)
- Setting up a Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)
- Industrial Chemicals Management
- Implementing a Classification and Labelling System for Chemicals (GHS
- Public Health Management of Chemicals
- A national management scheme for pesticides
- An occupational health and safety system
- A chemical accidents prevention, preparedness, and response system for major hazards
- OECD Environmental Risk Assessment Toolkit
- WHO Human Health Risk Assessment Toolkit
- FAO Toolkit for Pesticides Registration Decision Making
- UNIDO Toolkit on Chemical Leasing
- UNIDO Toolkit on Innovative, Safe and Resource Efficient