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The events took place as part of the numerous training workshops UNITAR will be delivering across 2019 for the Lebanese government. Other workshops will include topics such as negotiation skills and techniques for effective diplomacy and hosting multilateral conferences.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office, in collaboration with Columbia Law School hosted the first lecture of a four-part series with Columbia Law School on Leadership & Self-Awareness at the United Nations Headquarter. This popular bi-annual lecture series is sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations, as a part of the programme “Levelling the Playing Field to support the Least Developed Countries’ (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States’ (SIDS) Diplomats.”
4 March 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently signed an agreement to launch a joint online course on Agriculture in Trade Agreements to be delivered in Russian language for Europe and Central Asia.
We are trying our best to fulfill our responsibility as an actor in the field of disarmament,” said Mosammat Shahahara Monica, Director (United Nations and Human Rights), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. “We will continue this effort and our leading role in the future, for the total elimination of nuclear weapons
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office hosted a workshop with the Maryland-based organization Trees for the Future on the topics of establishing forest gardens, building tree nurseries and designing perma-gardens. This was the first workshop of a three-part series on Using Agroforestry to Meet Sustainable Development Goals.
The UN CC:e-Learn platform has just undergone a complete makeover. The platform, which was launched in 2014, brings a set of new features to its over 170,000 registered users.
20-22 February 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with Global Inner Peace conducted the workshop “Accelerating SDGs Achievement through ICT”.
April 2019 is a remarkable date for UNITAR and its Division for Multilateral Diplomacy as it marks the launch of first ever e-learning course on Frontier Diplomacy. The first edition of the course charts new direction for training in diplomacy by combining developments in Information Technology with traditional human orientated approach to diplomacy.
Resolutions constitute a fundamental outcome of meetings within the United Nations principal organs. The diplomat or representative in any multilateral posting must be able to manage the specialized nature and volume of work involved in such UN meetings. In this regard, the Division for Multilateral Diplomacy organized a workshop, which is a part the Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice, on the processes of Drafting, Negotiating and Adopting United Nations Resolutions.
19 February 2019, Malaga, Spain - The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Malaga (CIFAL Malaga) with the support of the Council of Malaga hosted a public event in the historic centre of Malaga to raise public awareness about the work of UNITAR and the CIFAL Global Network.