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13 September 2019, Curitiba, Brazil – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) and the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná (FIEP), represented by Mr. Jose Antonio Fares, and Rafael Greca, Mayor of Curitiba, signed a protocol that formalizes a collaborative intervention to promote and implement sustainable development initiatives in the city of Curitiba, Brazil.
11 September 2019, New York – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York Office, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations, concluded the briefing for the delegates of the UN General Assembly in Conference Room 12 of the UN Headquarters building.
09 September 2019, Bangkok, Thailand – UNOSAT delivered a training on geospatial big data applications for sustainable development to enhance the capacity of the Member States of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) together with regional partners, from 5 to 9 August 2019, at the Space Krenovation Park (SKP) in Chonburi province of Thailand.
5-6 September 2019, New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office hosted the third and final sessions of its Orientation Course for New Delegates on the Fifth Committee at Conference Room 12, United Nations Headquarters. The third session focused on United Nations Reform Practices; Scale of Assessment and Human Resource Management. The final session on September 6th explored the resolution procedures for the Fifth Committee, as well as the UN Budget Process.
5-6 September 2019, Lima, Perú - UNITAR and the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Madrid (CIFAL Madrid) in collaboration with the Congress of the Republic of Peru hosted the “International Forum on Road Safety and Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Mobility”, bringing together legislators and decision makers to discuss how to improve road safety and integrate it into sustainable mobility and transport infrastructure planning and design.
The United Nations Institute for Research and Training (UNITAR) New York Office has launched a training course for delegates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mission to the United Nations entitled, “Core Diplomatic Training for United Arab Emirates Diplomatic Corps.”
3-4 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - As part of the agreement between the Foundation Antonio Meneghetti and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), UNITAR’s Division for Multilateral Diplomacy successfully held two workshops on Public Speaking and Leadership Skills in Geneva, Switzerland. In keeping with its vision of providing the highest quality of training not only for mid-career professionals, but also for the younger generation, the workshops were held on 3rd and 4th of September 2019, with a total of 50 students in attendance.
4 September 2019, New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office hosted the second session of its Orientation Course for New Delegates on the 5th Committee in Conference Room 12, United Nations Headquarter. The Oversight Mechanisms of the United Nations and an overview of UN International Civil Service were the discussion topics of the session.
June - August 2019, Geneva, Switzerland – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research is pleased to have welcomed several groups of international students and young professionals to the United Nations Immersion Programme this summer. The UNIP is designed to give young people across the globe an insight into the United Nations and multilateral diplomacy, providing them a platform to network and further their career development.
29 August 2019 Yokohama, Japan - TICAD7 official side-event panel discussion, Building Bridges for Peace in South Sudan, has successfully concluded in Yokohoma last Thursday. H.E. James Wani Igga, Vice President of South Sudan also joined the panel along with Hon. Onyoti Adigo Nyikwec, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of South Sudan. Mr. Nihkil Seth, Executive Director of UNITAR, moderated the session. The discussion examined the peace-building efforts in South Sudan and emphasized the importance of promoting the national capacity for post-conflict reconstruction in tandem with the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). The panelists emphasized the significance to engage in youth and invest in the development of sustainable peace and prosperity in South Sudan.