The Impact Story Initiative aims to spotlight how our learners have applied new knowledge and skills following the delivery of training. Contrary to testimonials or success stories, impact stories can show the positive and not-so-positive elements as well as the intended and unintended results from what we do. By using a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods, these stories are an evaluative tool to find the impact of our training, examining whether individual, organizational or even wider change has taken place. We want to hear from you. What is your Impact Story? Download the Impact Story Flyer or contact
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Maureen Nduta was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya. Having lived in the city all her life, she wanted a fresh experience and moved to Mombasa in the coastal region. Her plans were all set: first get a small restaurant running, then start a small farm to supply produce for the restaurant, and later on enrol for a business degree. Everything seemed to be going to plan. Then COVID-19 happened.
“Would be beneficial to repeat such training programs before every deployment and non-medical members should be included.”
Multilateral Diplomacy - Building capacities in the area of gender, women’s leadership and mentoring
“I have applied the mindfulness skill and also the stress management techniques. My approach to situations and circumstances has also been modified as I try to incorporate cultural diversity and my approach interacting with my colleagues.”
Fabiola is a resident doctor of neonatology at Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossel (CHPR) in Uruguay but she is originally from Bolivia. During her studies in Uruguay, Fabiola had an experience at the hospital that made her realize the importance of surgical obstetrician processes and the need to foster these processes in her home country.
Ali was able to use the information from his own country to make informed judgements on how to negotiate and manage tax decisions for the population according to their business sector.
National ownership to monitor and achieve the SDGs is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda. However, many National Statistical Offices (NSO) face challenges in monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the SDGs. These challenges include the complexity of measuring certain problems and building relevant indicators, limited statistical capacity to monitor identified indicators, the lack of tools to facilitate the use of available information, and coordination difficulties experienced by stakeholders in producing, storing, and using the data, to name just a few.
Nkiru recognized that an important factor that contributed to foster application of knowledge in her organization is the existence of a large network of women with the capabilities to utilize the new knowledge without the need for extra personnel.
Les participants, tous originaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne, étaient pour la plupart des représentant de gouvernements et d’autres autorités impliquées dans la formulation de politique agricole, de programme et mesures.
"We developed a management model for an entrepreneurship promotion center, which took into account the elements mentioned in the course."
With the hackathon, Enas became more inspired to continue promoting healthier lifestyles and cities’ renaturalization with her students. She has replicated some of the methodologies from the hackathon in her classes.