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25 April 2023, Hiroshima, Japan - Meet translator Enes Karaibrahimoglu who has an interest in technology and a heart for helping others. When he heard about the opportunity to translate the course “Defending Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” from a friend, he jumped at the chance to get involved. The course was created by UNITAR and UNESCO, while SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) took the lead in coordinating translation efforts.
20 March 2023, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York Office and its partner the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations successfully held the second briefing on the Introduction to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement and Sustainable Fisheries Processes at the United Nations, on Monday, 15 May 2023. The workshop was held in the United Nations Headquarters and was facilitated by Mr Dmitry Gonchar, Mr Buba Bojang, Mr Bart Smit Duijzentkunst, Mr Michele Ameri, and Ms Amber Maggio.
20 March 2023, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York Office and its trusted partner, Columbia Law School hosted their “Antiracism in Peace-Building and Conflict Resolution” workshop on Monday, 20 March 2023. The workshop was the first of three sessions of the Spring 2023 Columbia Law School Mediation Clinic training series, it was developed in a hybrid manner and attended by more than 120 participants.
16 March 2023, New York, USA - UNITAR, Oberlin College, and the Global Foundation for the Performing Arts are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Fall 2023 Bachelor's Degree programme. Bachelor Degree Programmes by Oberlin are specifically designed to promote quality education and are a unique opportunity for students to gain invaluable skills in this field.
16 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - On 16 March 2023, UNITAR, the University of Geneva, Open Geneva and Crowd4SDG hosted the fifth edition of the Geneva Trialogue at the Globe of Science and Innovation, under the theme of Open Innovation for Education, launching the 2023 Open Geneva Festival.
16 March 2023, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office, in partnership with the Global Foundation For the Performing Arts (GFPA) and Longy School of Music of Bard College, is excited to announce the opening of applications for the Artist Diploma programs Program for the Fall 2023 semester.
8 March 2023 – On International Women’s Day, 2023, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) announced the launch of its new “Master of Arts in Gender and Development” (hybrid format), in cooperation with the University for Peace (UPEACE). The announcement marked the continuation of a long-standing partnership, which combines the academic strength of UPEACE with the world-class executive-style training of UNITAR.
Module 4 "Measuring the state of the oceans" of the UNEP-UNSIAP-UNITAR Massive Open Online Course is offered as a stand-alone module with a certificate of completion. The module explains the importance of measuring the state of oceans and describes various challenges that countries and the international community are facing in monitoring the state of oceans overall. It also discusses international plans for sustainable development that cover oceans and incorporate specific action plans in monitoring their state. It provides an overview of SDG 14 with detailed methodologies for calculating four indicators that are under UNEP custodianship, namely SDG indicator 14.1.1a, SDG indicator 14.1.1b, SDG indicator 14.2.1, and SDG Indicator 14.5.1. Additionally, the module briefly describes two non-UNEP indicators that are related to oceans – SDG indicator 14.3.1 and 14.4.1.
The sustainable energy pillar at the Division for Peace in UNITAR hosts the coordination unit for Global Platform for Action on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings (GPA). With a consortium of 16 United Nations and International Non-Governmental Organizations, the goal of the GPA is to ensure that the displaced people around the world have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.
09 March 2023, Merida, Mexico – Together with airport executives, and civil and aeronautical authorities, CIFAL Merida has met in the city of Merida Yucatan, to review with specialists from the National Hurricane Centre, and renowned meteorologists, the processes of preparation of airports for their immediate reopening in case of being impacted by a tropical cyclone.