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06 July 2021, New York, USA - On July 6, United Nations Institute for Training and Research in partnership with United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and United Nations Climate Change Convention (UNCCC) hosted the launch of their e-learning course Harnessing Climate and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Synergies.
1 July 2021, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR jointly with the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in York (CIFAL York, Canada), the International Social Marketing Association and AB InBev hosted a dialogue with 83 experts, officials, and representatives from the public and private sectors about lessons learned and challenges regarding COVID-19 vaccine deployment, as well as to present a new tool developed by UNITAR that offers practical examples of actions companies can make to contribute to help reduce the impact of this virus on the population by working collaboratively with local, national and international public health organizations - by leveraging their own assets.
9 June 2021, New York, USA - Following the Report of the Secretary-General (E/2021/49), the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) Headquarters and the New York office started preparations for delivering the report to the United Nations Member States, and consultations in order to produce the legislative response from the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations Member States.
Toronto, Canada, 31 May 2021– As a leader in the effort to build a more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable world, York University and UNITAR are proud to announce the establishment of Canada’s first Centre International de Formation des Acteurs Locaux (CIFAL).
27 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland and Beijing, China - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Geneva School of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva and the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to set global standards for SDG Education and Open Innovation.
19 May 2021, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - The “Autosobriety Training Programme to Prevent Drink-Driving” kicks off today, resulting from a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between INTRANT, UNITAR and Pernod Ricard, with the common ambition to reduce alcohol-related road crashes in the Dominican Republic.
23-24 April, 2021, Shanghai, China - The Digital Intelligence Technology Seminar for Senior Managers of Asset Management Institutions was successfully held at the Shanghai CLIIF Lujiazui Institute of International Finance. The seminar was co- hosted by the Investment Technology League (ITL) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), CIFAL Shanghai, and co- organized by the Shanghai Asset Management Association (SAMA). The seminar was supported by the Shanghai Municipal Financial Regulatory Bureau.
14 May 2021, London, Great Britain – In anticipation of the UN Road Safety Week, UNITAR together with Diageo has today launched a hard-hitting, new anti-drink driving e-learning module to help people understand the consequences of drink driving.
6 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR jointly with the York University and the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in York, Canada (CIFAL York) hosted a dialogue with 132 experts, officials, and representatives from the public and private sectors about lessons learned and challenges regarding COVID-19 vaccine deployment, as well as to present a new tool developed by UNITAR to support local and national efforts to control the pandemic through effective vaccination campaigns and protective behaviours.
30 April 2021, New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office concluded the Spring Session of one of its flagship programme - Global Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) with a virtual closing ceremony. The UNITAR GDI programme provides a one-of-a-kind training experience to young professionals and students in higher stages of education who are interested in the United Nations (UN) to get a sneak peek into its functioning while also developing technical knowledge and learning from the experience of UN delegates and academicians.