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31 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland- The Annual Geneva Interfaith Dialogue convenes a diverse panel of Ambassadors and other high-level representatives of the world’s major faiths, as well as the International Geneva community at large, to engage on the links between faith, politics, and society. The Dialogue is held on the premises of the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) each year during World Interfaith Harmony Week. It serves as a platform not simply to commemorate UNGA Resolution 65/5, but as a vehicle to raise public awareness, renew the Resolution’s commitments, and build capacity for putting the Resolution’s values into practice across the world.
23-25 January 2023, New York, USA - The series of training for the 2023 PGA Fellowship Programme started Monday, 23 January, with an Introduction to the Security Council and Principal Organs led by Dr Angel Angelov, Consul General to Bulgaria and Former Deputy Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the United Nations. To open the training sessions, Head of UNITAR Office in New York, Mr. Marco Suazo gave opening remarks to the fellows and introduced Dr Angelov before the session started.
17 January 2023, New York, USA – UNITAR office in New York kickstarts the 2023 PGA Fellowship Programme with a meeting between H.E. Mr Csaba Kőrösi, President of the 77th United Nations General Assembly, and this year’s fellows, who recently arrived in New York City to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime experience with the United Nations.
10 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - The XIX Annual Steering Committee Meeting of the CIFAL Global Network was successfully hosted by CIFAL Honolulu and Chaminade University. In 2022 the CIFAL Global Network reached over ninety-thousand beneficiaries through over 500 events.
6 December 2022, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – The National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation of the Dominican Republic (INTRANT), hosted the Road Safety National Week taking place from 19 to 26 November 2022. To amplify the outreach of the Autosobriety Training Programme to prevent drink-driving in the country, training and public awareness activities were rolled out throughout the week with a total of 340 beneficiaries.
18 November 2022, Lima, Peru – UNITAR and the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) signed an Interinstitutional Agreement to collaborate in the development, implementation and maintenance of a regional dashboard that will include relevant road safety statistics for CAN Member States.
17 November 2022, Durban, South Africa – As part of UNITAR’s ongoing capacity building efforts on Road Safety and ahead of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, a series of capacity building workshops in different Provinces of South Africa on Strengthening National Road Safety Strategies: UNITAR’s Management Practices for Safer Roads Toolkit were held throughout the week.
9 November 2022, Durban, South Africa – In the framework of 14th Annual Road Safety Summit in Durban, South Africa taking place on 9 – 10 November, UNITAR and CIFAL Durban presented its Autosobriety Training Programme to government officials, businesses, and road safety stakeholders from South Africa.
4 November 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR’s Division for People and Social Inclusion hosted the long-awaited dual signing ceremony for the launches of the Master’s Degree in International Affairs and Public Policy with Lusail University,  and the Global Training Initiative for Parliamentarians Against Corruption with the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) in the presence of international reporters and news agencies.
2 November 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR, As the world becomes increasingly digitalized, with new disruptive technologies, practices, and actors appearing throughout the globe, it has become essential for institutions, governments, and companies to protect their cyber spaces from hackers and other forms of malicious elements.