17 May 2023, Kigali, Rwanda - UNITAR and Rwanda Cooperation joint forces to inaugurate the Rwanda Cooperation Governance Centre as its International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL). The partnership with Rwanda Cooperation will serve as a hub for national, regional, and international stakeholders to address some of their society’s most urgent challenges by comprehending the innovative development initiatives that have driven Rwanda’s transformative journey.

These innovative initiatives include home-grown solutions (HGS) and good practices, such as the Girinka Programme (one cow per family), Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP), Community-based health insurance (CBHI), Imihigo (performance contracts) and Umuganda (community work). The National Human Development Report highlights these HGSs as major components that address Rwanda’s national goals such as post-genocide challenges in governance, poverty reduction, and socio-economic transformation, including reintegration, reconciliation, and resettlement.


Rwanda Cooperation recognizes its work on homegrown initiatives and commitment to developing new approaches that will help meet society’s most urgent challenges by providing innovative training and facilitating knowledge exchange amongst government officials, the private sector, and civil society.

To advance the implementation of the SDGs and African Agenda 2063, the establishment of this knowledge centre will serve as a platform for knowledge sharing for all foreign parties interested in learning more about Rwanda's experience and expertise through study visits and coordination of training programmes on various themes and subjects, said Christine Nkulikiyinka, CEO of Rwanda Cooperation.


UNITAR’s network of affiliated “CIFAL” centres is an instrumental platform dedicated to providing training and learning opportunities to various stakeholders, with particular emphasis on local authorities and civil society leaders. Offering cutting-edge learning and training to close to 90,000 beneficiaries per year

CIFAL Kigali will become UNITAR’s 32nd Centre dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through capacity-building activities and knowledge sharing in Rwanda. With a focus on the areas of climate change financing, waste management, public health and data management, smart agriculture, agriculture value chain development, youth empowerment, and awareness of the existence and opportunities offered by the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The Centre´s presence in Kigali evidences a strong commitment to strengthening global partnerships and collaboration among decision-makers and leaders for development. Partner, Dr Habibi has been responsible for leading the Training of Trainers (TOT) and will continue to help pave the way with strengthening partnerships at CIFAL Kigali. 

Through the cooperation governance centre and CIFAL Kigali, we are creating a platform that will support our ongoing efforts to meet various targets and goals of the UN 2030 agenda and African agenda 2063, Christine Nkulikiyinka.

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