1 June 2023, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in partnership with the Dominican National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (INTRANT), keeps pursuing its efforts to raise awareness, change attitudes, and ultimately reduce the number of alcohol-related road crashes in the Dominican Republic with the Autosobriety Training Programme to Prevent Drink-Driving

Alcohol consumption continues to be a significant factor contributing to road traffic crashes and injuries in the country. According to statistics from INTRANT (2020), it is estimated that 18.8% of those injured in traffic crashes treated by emergency services can be attributed to alcohol consumption. INTRANT in collaboration with multiple stakeholders, Pernod Ricard and other private sector partners remain committed to working towards road safety improvement.

In the first semester of 2023, training sessions were delivered at UNIBE, PUCMM and UASD which allowed students to watch the 360-degree video to experience the danger of driving under the influence of alcohol while receiving the Autosobriety training booklets. Similarly, a series of awareness activities using the Autosobriety educational tools were also conducted in various places such as the National Road Education School (ENEVIAL). These activities reached a total of 181 beneficiaries who took part in the Programme.

Similarly in 2022, the Autosobriety Training Programme made significant progress in promoting road safety and raising awareness of the impact of alcohol on driving performances across the country. During the Road Safety National Week, held from November 19th to 26th, a series of training and awareness activities were organized by INTRANT. Various venues, including shopping centres such as Galerias 360 and Downtown Center, as well as universities in Santo Domingo (PUCMM, UNIBE, INTEC) and Santiago (PUCMM) served as platforms to engage the public. 

Some 340 participants had the opportunity to experience the risks associated with drinking and driving through the 360-degree video and were provided with Autosobriety booklets participating actively in the activities held throughout the week. 

During December 2022, other awareness activities were conducted in the City Hall of Santo Domingo Norte, the Foundation Escoba, DPWorld Company and ARGOS Dominicana with a total of 238 beneficiaries. 

Reaching a greater number of beneficiaries through continuous training and awareness raising is planned to make significant progress. By equipping road users with educational tools and promoting responsible behaviour, the Programme seeks to contribute to a reduction in alcohol-related traffic fatalities and injuries.


Watch the virtual reality video


Source (Spanish)

Instituto Nacional de Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre (INTRANT) (2020), Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Seguridad Vial de la República Dominicana (PENSV) 2021-2030

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