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20-22 February 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with Global Inner Peace conducted the workshop “Accelerating SDGs Achievement through ICT”.
April 2019 is a remarkable date for UNITAR and its Division for Multilateral Diplomacy as it marks the launch of first ever e-learning course on Frontier Diplomacy. The first edition of the course charts new direction for training in diplomacy by combining developments in Information Technology with traditional human orientated approach to diplomacy.
Resolutions constitute a fundamental outcome of meetings within the United Nations principal organs. The diplomat or representative in any multilateral posting must be able to manage the specialized nature and volume of work involved in such UN meetings. In this regard, the Division for Multilateral Diplomacy organized a workshop, which is a part the Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice, on the processes of Drafting, Negotiating and Adopting United Nations Resolutions.
19 February 2019, Malaga, Spain - The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Malaga (CIFAL Malaga) with the support of the Council of Malaga hosted a public event in the historic centre of Malaga to raise public awareness about the work of UNITAR and the CIFAL Global Network.
13-15 February 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of National Planning; the General Secretariat of the National Science and Technology Council of Cambodia; the Science and Technology Policy Institute; the Seoul National University; the Technology, Management, Economics and Policy Programme (SNU TEMEP); the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation; the Korean Ministry of Science; and the Future Planning (MSIT) hosted a workshop on “Strengthening Planning and Development for Innovation Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship”.
14 février 2019, Genève, Suisse - Dans le cadre de sa collaboration avec l’UNICEF, l’UNOSAT et le Bureau de l’UNICEF au Mali ont dispensé une formation pratique à l’utilisation des systèmes d’information géographiques en libre accès (open source) et notamment Quantum GIS (QGIS) dans le but de renforcer les capacités des équipes et partenaires de l’UNICEF au Mali en collecte, traitement et dissémination des données SIG et des technologies de la géo-information spatiale.
A successful training session requires several essential key skills and methods from the trainer to provide an optimal learning environment for their audience.
12 February 2019, Malaga, Spain - The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Malaga (CIFAL Malaga) hosted the course “Art and sustainability at the Museum” to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through art. This one-day course was addressed to 25 teachers from the Province of Malaga.
The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office and the Financing for Sustainable Development Office (FSDO) of UNDESA have jointly hosted a one-day training workshop in preparation for the Finance for Development ECOSOC Forum. The event was hosted in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
The New York Interfaith Dialogue convened a diverse panel of Ambassadors and other high-level representatives to engage on the links between faith and sustainable development.