18 – 19 September 2019, New York – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York Office, supported the launch of newly published Negotiation book at the United Nations Book store in New York and welcomed a visit from the Director of El Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública - Central American Institute of Public Administration (ICAP).


At the book launch, UNITAR Head of New York Office Mr. Marco Suazo delivered a congratulatory speech during the launch of the book ‘Negotiating at the United Nations: A Practitioner’s Guide’. Authors Dr. Jimena Levia-Roesch, a fellow at the International Peace Institute; Dr. Rebecca Webber Gaudiosi, former US Diplomat to the United Nations, and Ye-Min Wu, who has worked for Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs prior to her studies in Johns Hopkins SAIS shared their thoughts and ideas when writing this book to the audience. The authors who have facilitated several UNITAR training courses on Negotiations for various diplomats wrote this book as a guideline for delegates to gain an understanding of the negotiation process in the diplomatic arena, particularly at the UN; learn and apply key negotiation tactics; increase awareness of current power dynamics and build confidence and experience in negotiations.

H.E. Mr. Burhan Gafoor, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Singapore Mission extended his felicitations and expressed his excitement for the authors’ accomplishments. He mentioned that the completion of this book is a huge step towards comprehensive diplomatic education and promoting gender equality in the diplomatic world. The successful launching event was well attended by an audience from both the public and private sectors.


In the same vein, UNITAR New York Office received a visit from Dr. Alexander López Ramírez, Director of the Central American Institute of Public Administration (ICAP) in support of ICAP’s working relationship with UNITAR. As part of the capacity building initiatives, UNITAR partners with ICAP to organize continuous training program opportunities in the Central America region on various subject areas including Leadership skills, Negotiation techniques, and Climate Change. Dr. Lopez who has published several books on the environment including ‘Escenarios para un nuevo régimen internacional de cambio climático’ (Scenarios for a New International Climate Change Regime) made this visit to further strengthen ICAP’s future collaboration with UNITAR. Also present for this visit was Dr. Guido Bertucci who just concluded negotiation training sessions with diplomats from the Permanent Missions of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

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