23 September 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Executive Director, Mr. Nikhil Seth, attended the UN High-Level Meetings (UN HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) during the 74th United Nations General Assembly which was held at Trusteeship Council on Monday morning.

The HLM theme ‘Moving Together to Build a Healthier World’ aims at mobilizing maximum political will to harness all the necessary resources needed to “package the entire health agenda under the umbrella of UHC and sustain health investments in a harmonized manner.” This year’s event is crucial in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030 and has in attendance universal health champions, advocates, practitioners, and delegates.


In an interview session with the SDG Media Zone, Mr. Seth addressed the alignment of UNITAR's strategic objectives with the 2030 Agenda and his expectations from the UNGA High-Level Week -including the SDG Summit. He expressed excitement at the possibility of renewed political energy to tackle these goals and explained that the week's activities would mostly focus on the implementation of the great promises which were made in 2015, where he hoped the Heads of States would be bold in their proclamations and announcements towards achieving necessary outcomes for in the world. He was particularly pleased by the engagement of children and youth who are getting involved and powering actions on both the SDG and on Climate Change agendas.

Mr. Seth also attended several meetings with high-level officials of the international community, where he met H.E. Mr. Macharia Kamau, former Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York of Kenya and Kenya's Principal Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

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