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25-26 June 2010, Batam, Indonesia
The recent global economic and financial crisis has revealed the crucial importance of understanding the intricacies of risk analysis and risk management applied to finance. This advanced course is designed to provide professionals with specific hands-on tools and modeling techniques for effective risk management, and builds on the Fundamentals of Risk Management course.
International trade is now widely acknowledged as an important engine of growth in most developing and transition economies. The recent ministerial meetings of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have further demonstrated the importance of international trade and investment flows, with many developing economies joining hands to vigorously defend their interests in this area.
Flooding hit this month several remote villages of Northern Rakhine State (NRS) in western Myanmar. The situation required the activation of UNOSAT Humanitarian Rapid Mapping upon request by the UN Resident Coordinator in the country. According to UNDP reports, populations affected have received rice and other immediate relief items distributed by the UNDP's field offices in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships.
On 8 June, UNITAR led by the Manager, Mr. Craig Boljkovac of the Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM), welcomed a Chinese delegation from Anhui Province’s Environmental Protection agency to discuss and further their understanding on advanced chemical management, in particular on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
25-26 June 2010, Batam, Indonesia. UNITAR, United cities and Local governments (UCLG) and its regional Asia Pacific Section, United cities and Local Governments / Asia Pacific (UCLG/ ASPAC) are jointly organizing a workshop on Local Finances on 25-26 June 2010 in Batam, Indonesia. This workshop is part of a series of workshops on local finances implemented by the Local Development Programme of UNITAR, thanks to the financial support of the French government.
Antwerp, Belgium: June 22, 2010 – UNITAR and the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO),  an NGO accredited to the ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council), have agreed to organize joint events on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in September at the Shanghai Expo 2010.
UNITAR was invited in June 2010 to illustrate the results of UNOSAT Piracy Monitoring at the New York plenary meeting the UN Contact Group on Piracy of the Coast of Somalia.