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24 July 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - UNOSAT just released its latest analysis over the Zaatari Camp in Jordan.
23 July 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - The first meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction opened in Geneva on 14 July, convened by UNISDR as part of the preparations of the World Conference scheduled for March 2015 in Sendai, Japan. The preparations started in 2012 and are to include over 100 regional and technical meetings to draw input from all stakeholders and players involved in disaster risk reduction.
15 July 2014, Nairobi, Kenya - Since the beginning of the year, UNOSAT is spearheading UNITAR efforts in spreading awareness on the role of satellite technology applications in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction. As preparations for the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in March 2015 are about to enter their peak phase, experts and delegates gather in regional and thematic venues around the world to shape the new strategy that will guide nations to becoming more resilient in the face of disasters from 2015 onward.
12 June 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - The UNOG Library Talk of last week in Geneva was dedicated to the launching of the new UNOSAT study on Piracy. This report is the result of five years of research in the area of geospatial information applied to piracy.
5 June 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - Recent satellite imagery analysed at UNOSAT confirms the increase in the number of IDPs in eastern DR Congo. According to figures released by OCHA, in only four months 100,000 more people have become in need of humanitarian assistance after they were displaced by the conflict in DRC.

Leadership and Charisma

Executive Retreat

25-29 August 2014
June 2014, Hiroshima, Japan - The UNITAR Hiroshima Office recently completed training on the adoption of a Green Economy to 20 representatives of the Government of Afghanistan. Hailing from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and the Ministry of Economy, and in a programme delivered in close collaboration with the Afghanistan Civil Service Institute and UNDP Afghanistan, the participants represented both Kabul based Civil Servants, as well as Provincial Directors, allowing for some very focused discussions as to the on-the-ground implementability of the issues presented.