Displaying 191 - 200 of 233
Everything I learnt in the module helped me to understand the European system and what was needed for a partnership and cooperation to exist between Europe and Africa.
If diplomats are equipped with the tools of mediation, they will be able to engage more effectively in this global environment and all the challenges that it brings.
The course was very helpful for us, to calculate pollutants from landfills and other sources.
Being global citizens of the planet earth, let us join hand in hand to work individually and collectively to fight for global climate change issues. We must act today instead of thinking to do it tomorrow.
I was always a girl who thought that one day maybe I’ll be a big person.
Practitioners from all over Africa were put together with wonderful resource persons and experts, to reflect deeply on mediation, and most importantly, on prevention and transformation of conflict in Africa.
From the course I learnt how to select altitude, or how to select by location, and how to collect the data. It’s a good app for us to collect some data for produce.
It captured my attention a lot because that is what Guyana needs […] how to use GIS, especially in the area of DRR, but mostly for the emergency response.
Some skills can be repeated and shared, like impact assessment using satellite images, that is quite easy to reapply.
I got some more in-depth knowledge and I was able to contribute to the project proposal writing of the think-tank in a more informed and professional manner.