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June 2021 - In Southern Africa, radio continues to be the primary means of mass-communication and a source of information and entertainment especially to young people and their families. More than a tool to share information, radio continues to be a key site for community-building and foster positive change. In this spirit, a climate change radio programme “Our Changing Climate – Our Time to Act!” was created by the MIET Africa, UN CC:Learn Partnership and relevant environment Ministries as part of the COVID-19 emergency response in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Between November 2020 and February 2021, 108 episodes were broadcast with an estimated reach of more than 27 million listeners from all ages across the three countries.
The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted an historic resolution for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and in particular for its Operational Satellite Applications Programme - UNOSAT.
9 June 2021, New York, USA - Following the Report of the Secretary-General (E/2021/49), the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) Headquarters and the New York office started preparations for delivering the report to the United Nations Member States, and consultations in order to produce the legislative response from the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations Member States.
9 June 2021, Bonn, Germany - In the first three quarters of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 30% fall in electronic and electrical equipment sales in low- and middle-income countries but only a 5% decline in high-income countries, highlighting and intensifying the digital divide between north and south, according to a new UN report.
The programme’s coaching component has helped those selected as coaches to enhance their hard skills and improve their soft skills, which they can sometimes implement in their workplaces.
7 June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - Starting in February 2018, with an initial one-year scoping period, the project built off in-depth user-needs analyses to fully launch the implementation phase in February 2019. Now that the project has matured, this IPP Case Study seeks to assess early results and outcomes of the consortium’s activities and outputs.
4 June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - The Nyiragongo volcano, situated north east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) started erupting on 22nd May at night. UNOSAT’s rapid mapping service was activated on 23 May 2021 morning by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in Goma, DRC. The activation covered the area around Goma, DRC, and Gisenyi, Rwanda.
June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - Financial Technology has, in the last few years, made silently extremely rapid advances with the result that the services offered by new and traditional players have revolutionized the way people interact with them. FinTech brings healthy increased competition, offering a world of opportunities as well as more efficient products and services. Last but not least it also facilitates financial inclusion. This course touches also Green-Fintech and Islamic Fintech.
31 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - New technologies are profoundly changing the financial industry. The demand for digital solutions is surging, and both private and public institutions are heavily investing in R&D, especially in the field of digital currencies. Learn the economic mechanisms behind different fintech innovations.
Toronto, Canada, 31 May 2021– As a leader in the effort to build a more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable world, York University and UNITAR are proud to announce the establishment of Canada’s first Centre International de Formation des Acteurs Locaux (CIFAL).