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5 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - In order to face up the challenge that is delivering climate literacy across the globe, UN CC:Learn has made available a new feature which allows everyone to make voluntary donations to help scale up the programme’s efforts. Contribute today and help bring state-of-the-art e-learning resources on climate change and green economy to the most in need!
May 2021 - How climate change can impact on disease outbreaks such as Zika or Dengue? Andrea Monroy-Licht is a UN CC:Learn Champion who has been leading a project called Salud 1.5º.  This initiative seeks to encourage students to take action against the health risks associated with climate change and global warming. This Colombian teacher from Barranquilla has already made positive changes in her community and is looking forward to replicating this project in other cities. Discover more about her environmental education activities on climate change issues which aims at mitigating the effects associated with vector-borne diseases.
April 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - UNEP, UNSIAP and UNITAR are delighted to announce a new self-paced e-learning course – “Environmental SDG indicators”. Targeted primarily towards National Statistical Offices, Ministries of Environment, civil servants, and other stakeholders that support broader national sustainable development monitoring and decision making. The course comprises 10 individual modules, that provide an overview of all 25 SDG indicators under UNEP custodianship, due to vast thematic knowledge, each module can be regarded as a stand-alone module and taken individually.
25-27 April 2021, Shanghai, China - The first Seminar on Digital Transformation for Executive Managers jointly organized by UNITAR's CIFAL Shanghai International Training Center and Information & Data Security Solutions Co., Ltd. was held in Shanghai, China between 25-27 April. The 17 senior managers who attended the seminar represented the following companies: China Merchants Bank, SAIC MOTOR, Digital Guangxi Group, Armed Police Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd, Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange, Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce, Financial Technology Service Committee of Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation.
21 April 2021, Abu Dhabi, UAE - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is delighted to announce the signing of a joint agreement between Rabdan Academy, UAE, and UNITAR. The MoU was signed at Rabdan Academy’s campus in Abu Dhabi by Mr. James Morse, President of Rabdan Academy, and Mr. Nikhil Seth, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR. Both partners stressed the importance of joint training and educational efforts to address the challenges facing the UAE and the wider international community.
30 March 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - From 29th to 30th March 2021, UNITAR, ESCAP, UNDP, and UNDESA teamed up for a virtual training on the Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFF), held over 3 half-days. Titled “Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFF) and Budgeting for the 2030 Agenda: Financing Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery”, the first day took a deep dive into the INFF building block on integrated financing strategies, including country cases and practical experiences based on DFA findings. The second and the third days focused on the alignment of budgeting processes with nationally determined SDG priorities. 382 participants attended the training sessions, coming from 39 Asia-Pacific and 7 other countries working in national governments, UN and international organizations, think tanks, civil society organizations, private sector, and academia.
15 March 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - On March 15, 2021, UNITAR and UN Statistics Division conducted a side event – “Adjusting statistical activities with StaTact to monitor the SDGs for a COVID-19 recovery and acceleration of the 2030 Agenda” – as part of the UNECE Regional Forum 2021. Attended by over 50 participants, the side event consisted of three segments – first, an introduction of the platform and its principles: second, a demonstration of StaTact, and third, sharing of a practical country experience where StaTact has been utilised.
8 March 2021, Thika, Kenya – To further advance the implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development and particularly Goals 4 of Quality Education, 16 of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and 17 of Partnerships for Development, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has entered a new strategic partnership with Mount Kenya University with the official signing ceremony having taken place on the 8th of March 2021 in the blended format.
This week, UNITAR is delighted to announce an innovative new partnership with the British Legal Centre. This collaboration is meant to implement four courses providing instruction on various legal aspects for lawyers, law students, businesspeople, and others who may be interested in the legal process.
The year-long global fight to contain and eliminate the threat of SARS-CoV-2 overshadowed international efforts to achieve the SDGs of Agenda2030. The world needs the brightest minds to step into leadership roles at the forefront of the transformational change required to realize the ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.