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24 February 2021, Hiroshima, Japan - UNITAR Hiroshima and the UNITAR Association will co-host “The Japanese perspective on gender”, the ninth in its public discussion series, Ideas That Matter. As part of its celebration, UNITAR Division of Prosperity will also co-host a daylong, virtual conference titled Women in STEM in Time of the Pandemic – Facing Challenges, Finding Resilience. Produced in partnership with the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), and the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), this global conference will highlight the challenges and opportunities for women in STEM (science, technology, economics and mathematics) arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
19 February 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - Romanian speakers can now embark on a journey to learn the basic concepts, policy instruments and international frameworks of inclusive green economies.
19 February 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - 17 professionals have been trained on how to deliver effective online adult learning in West Africa as part of a four-session training of trainers organized by UN CC:Learn and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).
19 February 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR/UN CC:Learn and MIET Africa are turning climate change into an everyday topic in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Through a series of TV and radio programs, the two projects are streamlining the access to climate change discussions and raising awareness of this issue among people who previously didn't have a chance to get any information about it.
19 February 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - The Green Development and Climate Change Programme and the Multilateral Diplomacy Division joined forces to deliver the Online Training Programme on Climate Change Diplomacy, at which 35 Kenyan diplomats, government officials, and civil society representatives were trained on climate diplomacy. The training took place between 13 November and 8 December 2020 and provided participants with knowledge on climate change and climate diplomacy, building their capacity for the upcoming climate negotiations at COP 26.
18 February 2021, Brussels, Belgium – UNITAR’s International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders based in Antwerp (CIFAL Flanders) organized the learning webinar ‘Aligning the European Recovery – Belgium as a case study’. The event was organized in cooperation with SDSN Belgium bringing together over 350 participants from around the globe.
12 February 2021, Georgetown, Guyana - UNITAR through the Partnership for Action on Green Economy co-organized a workshop on 'Building back better through trade and industrial policy' in Guyana. The workshop aimed at building technical knowledge and skills related to the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policy at the trade and industry interface, thus supporting local agents in the achievement of national sustainable goals.
12 February, 2021, Hiroshima, Japan – UNITAR Division of Prosperity Alumnus Baraa Hameed Salman named Regional Ambassador to IEEE’s Global Startup Resource Index
12 February 2021, New York, USA - Head of UNITAR New York Office, Mr. Marco Suazo, attends the Transfer of Power Ceremony for the newly elected Technical Secretary for the Development of the Indigenous People’s Villages of Latin America and the Caribbean. After receiving a personal invitation from the President of the Directive Council, Mirna Cunningham, UNITAR New York Office Head of office Marco Suazo, attends the ceremonial proceedings. After a brief spiritual introduction, Segundina Flores, member of the Directive Council of FILAC, gave welcoming remarks on behalf of the Native People’s Villages of Bolivia. Once finished, the floor was then passed to Freddy Mamani, Vice counselor of the Multinational State of Bolivia, host of FILAC, where welcoming remarks were also continued by him. Passing the floor then to Amadeo Martinez, Forum Coordinator of Indigenous People of Abya Yala, Amadeo proceeded to speak shortly concerning the aspirations of the Indigenous Villages of Latin America for the new leadership. In full support of the new State’s initiatives that are to be a part of FILAC, Fernando Aguirre, Representative of Colombia voiced his adamant endorsement of the proposed initiatives for the new term. Reaffirming the responsibilities and promises made to the Indigenous Villages was noted to be of prime importance by Higinio Obispo, ONIC. The renewed willingness to support extra-regional states was highlighted by Carmen Castiella in the next session, Vice President of FILAC for the Government of Spain.
2020 was a year of both challenges and accomplishments for UNITAR-UNOSAT. Our mapping teams delivered 1,136 products and services based on over 300 analyses to partners in 59 countries. Throughout the year we also successfully designed and implemented several capacity development activities: UNITAR-UNOSAT delivered 16 learning-related events in 2020 to 471 beneficiaries consisting mostly of government officials, 6 of which were web-based and 10 of which took place face-to-face.