Welcome to the University Network for Sustainable Development, a platform about learning, exchanging, and partnering to be SDG learners today and SDG leaders tomorrow!
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone. Pursuing the quest of SDGs is a common global effort, and universities are unquestionably actors in order for the SDGs to materialize in the future.
The Network allows universities joining to be informed about other universities’ achievements on SDGs learning activities, to create partnerships among one another, as well as with UNITAR, while improving their educational system with exclusive access to official UN learning material, documentation and resources around SDGs and Sustainable Development.
Secure your place and join the University Network for Sustainable Development by sending an email to nyo@unitar.org.
The general purpose of the "Sustainable UPB" strategy is to achieve the transformation of attitudes and practices of all the instances of the University so that they permeate the culture and, with this, to understand that sustainability is rarely a product of chance and that to achieve it requires rigorous, consistent and human-centered work as a principle of action.
Interaction with stakeholders has allowed us to recognize sustainability as a matter of utmost relevance in the University, which implies making efforts aligned with the purpose of mitigating and reducing impacts and potentiating positive externalities, such efforts consolidate us as the first Carbon Neutral university in Latin America, certified by ICONTEC since 2017 and as the first Zero Waste university in Latin America and the Caribbean since 2021.
UFF stated mission is to produce, disseminate, and apply knowledge and culture in a critical and socially relevant way.
The university operates in accordance with the following basic tenets: academic excellence, social impact, innovation and knowledge transfer to society in general.