Welcome to the University Network for Sustainable Development, a platform about learning, exchanging, and partnering to be SDG learners today and SDG leaders tomorrow!
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone. Pursuing the quest of SDGs is a common global effort, and universities are unquestionably actors in order for the SDGs to materialize in the future.
The Network allows universities joining to be informed about other universities’ achievements on SDGs learning activities, to create partnerships among one another, as well as with UNITAR, while improving their educational system with exclusive access to official UN learning material, documentation and resources around SDGs and Sustainable Development.
Secure your place and join the University Network for Sustainable Development by sending an email to nyo@unitar.org.

Main Projects at the current time:
Clean energy Solar Panel Systems throughout units
Residual management policy
Zero-plastic policies (plastic cups, bags and all the like are
permanently abolished)
Sea-watch again oil pollution in the Northeast coast.

Currently, it offers 11 undergraduate programs and more than 30 graduate programs, forming a vibrant academic community at the service of society, through the promotion of human values, intellectual provocation, internationalism and academic rigor.