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26 October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR and the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE) renewed its three-year cooperation agreement to continue to build capacity through CIFAL Madrid - the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Madrid.
Governments around the world have been at the forefront in the fight against global crises, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, the disruptive nature of the COVID-19 crisis has exposed a deeper level of vulnerability in our communities, by creating unprecedented socio-economic and cultural implications. During the crisis, public servants have been faced with the unparalleled urgency to formulate new ways of thinking, adapt to new realities and prepare for the unknown future.
Due to this urgent need to support Government officials, UNITAR’s Division for People and Social Inclusion is launching its new course on Monday the 2nd of November 2020, entitled: ‘Crisis Management for Public Officials: The Skills Necessary to Effectively Manage a Crisis and Continually Deliver to the People you Serve’ (also known as: ‘Crisis Management for Public Officials: Basic Skills’).
Due to this urgent need to support Government officials, UNITAR’s Division for People and Social Inclusion is launching its new course on Monday the 2nd of November 2020, entitled: ‘Crisis Management for Public Officials: The Skills Necessary to Effectively Manage a Crisis and Continually Deliver to the People you Serve’ (also known as: ‘Crisis Management for Public Officials: Basic Skills’).
13 October 2020, Costa Rica, New York, and Geneva – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) represented by the Executive Director, Mr. Nikhil Seth, and the Director-General, Mr. Manuel Otero, respectively, participated in the first virtual signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) together with the Head of UNITAR New York Office, Mr. Marco Suazo.
1 October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR Division for People and Social Inclusion launched ‘Coming Up Next’, a new UNITAR learning podcast, on 1st October. Coming Up Next, in collaboration with the CIFAL Global Network, and the Global Challenges Forum Foundation, is part of the 1M2030 youth initiative. The learning podcast focuses on providing a platform to celebrate and further encourage global youth leadership in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
28 September 2020, Jeju, South Korea- The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) successfully concluded a series of learning webinars on “The European Green Deal”. The webinars aimed to introduce the Green Deal policies at the national and local levels for countries transitioning to more environmentally sustainable options. The Green Deal policy package aims to promote new development models that tackle pressing issues around climate change.
23 September 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR’s Division for People hosted the 4th session of the “Webinar Series Management Practices for Safer Roads” to kick-off Brazil’s National Road Safety Week and to raise awareness about practical interventions and best practices that contribute to improve road safety.
The session began with welcome remarks delivered by Mr. Marco Suazo, the head of office of the UNITAR New York office.
24 April 2020, New York, the United States – The first module of the “Realizing the Future We Want: Training series in preparation for the General Assembly’s 2020 quadrennial comprehensive policy review (QCPR) of operational activities for development of the United Nations system” successfully took place virtually with more than 225 participants. This series is a collaboration between UNITAR, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) that aims to equip Member States with the most relevant information as they prepare for the 2020 QCPR.
28 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) Division for People and Awareness Ties have recently signed a non-financial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The two partners will work together in the framework of UNITAR’s 1M2030 Initiative (One Million Youth Leaders Beyond 2030).
17 July 2020, Baku, Azerbaijan - The Programme on “Capacity Building in Nigeria’s Oil & Gas Industry” was created by UNITAR’s Division for People and its Nigeria Project Office, in partnership with Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS), and with the support of the Nigerian Government. The project, launched in 2019, brought 7 young Nigerian students to Baku, Azerbaijan, to pursue Bachelor’s degrees in a 4-year programme at BHOS.