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27 July 2017, Geneva, Switzerland - Science is often not adequately accounted for in the main societal discussions and in the related decisions and strategies. Scientists, diplomats and policy makers may profit from a better knowledge of the world of science and its operational models, which in some cases may inspire policies and solutions also in fields other than science.
11 July, New York, USA - UNITAR and UNDESA held a joint session on learning and data for the SDGs on 11 July on the sidelines of the HLPF, a dedicated annual mechanism for reviewing progress on the SDGs. The session composed of a panel of experts and a showcasing segment provided space for addressing challenges and opportunities related to the use of data for policy-making purposes beyond regular national and global reporting. As a result of the session, a number of capacity gaps had been identified and a series of new tools presented. Feedback received from a group of more than 30 participants will help inform the country-level and regional work of UNITAR and UNDESA in this area.