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6 April 2022 - This virtual side event organized by UNITAR, as part of the Crowd4SDG project, brought together passionate stakeholders involved with Citizen Science Data (CSD). Speakers shared their experience working with citizen scientists, as well as enabling the use of CSD by National Statistical Offices and Systems (NSOs and NSSs).
11 April 2022 - Policymakers and Data producers tend to work in silos, disconnected from one another, preventing them to benefit from the synergies and benefits collaborative efforts would bring, especially to advance the SDGs and ensure No One is Left Behind.

To address this disconnect, UNESCAP, PARIS21 and UNITAR respectively developed EPIC, ADAPT and StaTact, three free-standing and complementary data-planning tools intervening at different stages of the data production process and concerned with multi-stakeholder collaboration.
On the 5th of April 2022 - As an important input to the 7th STI Forum, to celebrate the launch of the Massive Open Online Course Develop and Implement Science Technology and Innovation for SDG Roadmaps - Level 1, developed by UNITAR and UNDESA's Division of Sustainable Development Goals (UN DESA/DSDG), partners and stakeholders gathered online and discussed its significance, journey and the road ahead for the United Nations Inter-agency Task Team on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (IATT).
25 April 2022, New York, USA .- During his final meetings in the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the UNITAR Executive Director, Mr. Nikhil Seth met the Deputy Secretary-General Ms. Amina Mohammed to talk about UNITAR’s forthcoming plans including the new Board of Trustees members. Mr. Seth pointed to the need for strengthened coherence of UNITAR programming with broader UN efforts, and the need to help tapping other types of funding. The necessity to find an efficient mechanism for small UN entities to contribute to broader UN efforts was discussed. He called to take actions to work more closely with country teams to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda more effectively.
20 April 2022, New York, USA. - The United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Executive Director of UNITAR Mr. Nikhil Seth has made an official visit to New York from 18 to 25 April 2022 to lead important meetings at the United Nations Headquarters and meet with the Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary-General Courtenay Rattray, President of the General Assembly Mr. Abdulla Shahid, President of ECOSOC Ambassador Collen Kelapile, Under Secretary-Generals Vladimir Voronkov, Rosemary DiCarlo, and Alexandre Zouev, as well as other principals from across the UN system and UN Missions.
17 March 2022, Geneva, Switzerland. On 17 March 2022, UNITAR, the University of Geneva, and Open Geneva hosted the fourth edition of the Geneva Trialogue under the theme of Open Innovation for Education, launching the 2022 Open Geneva Festival.
UN SDG:Learn is very glad to announce the launching of the Second Series of the UNSDGLearn Blog, "SMEs and the Implementation of the SDGs".

This Series will shine a light on Small and Mediums Enterprises (SMEs), their realities and the challenges they face as well as their philosophies, level of involvement and opportunities in regards to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This self-paced Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has been developed by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It aims to build the capacity of countries to foster policy coherence by anchoring the SDGs in the national budgets; develop nationally tailored approaches, apply best practices and tools to align budgeting with SDGs and national priorities, and enhance the Parliaments’ engagement.
A recent feature on the UN SDG:Learn platform now offers users a way to customize their learning experience!

A self-assessment provides an outlook on the users’ current knowledge and skills in regards to eight key competencies crucial to achieving the SDGs.
For its second GEAR (Gather, Evaluate, Accelerate and Refine) cycle, Crowd4SDG is supporting projects centred on Climate Change (SDG 13) and Gender (SDG 5). Participants are challenged "to develop a project that tackles these SDGs using crowdsourcing: information gathered or actions taken by large numbers of ordinary citizens", addressing some pressing issues.

Crowdsourced data, and more particularly gender and sex-disaggregated data, is extremely valuable as it can help highlight the gendered experiences of women and men facing climate change and fill in data gaps.