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24 November 2017
“Since our app became available, we have seen users from 10 different countries using it. Through the app, it has created a new network for stakeholders to collaborate in order to promote safety practices for nanotechnologies.”
24 November 2017
The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa. It is known for its beaches, coral reefs and nature reserves. As such, sustainable fishing is a critical issue for the remote Indian Ocean Republic.  
24 November 2017
"Through my work, I can contribute even more to the development of my country and ultimately to help the people of Afghanistan.”
24 November 2017
24 November 2017
 “Coaching was something new for me. The session included techniques and simulations that gave a realistic dimension to the training, while providing us with practical experience in applying the various steps of the coaching process."
23 November 2017
“For me, it was not just a drawing session, it was a human experience. It was the first time for me that a professional mandate gave so much on a personal level."
23 November 2017
“International relations tells us to operate from the head. I think in peacemaking and preventive diplomacy, it is also important that the heart is involved.” 
23 November 2017
“In previous years, we fumbled our way along. But, after the course, we realized it is possible to proceed in a very precise way."
23 November 2017
“The trainings had a very powerful effect on me. They have given me an increased sense of confidence."
23 November 2017
“I met many inspiring personalities from diverse fields and it was amazing to have the opportunity to exchange views on global issues with such distinguished individuals.”