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31 January, 2014, Geneva, Switzerland. Registration for UNITAR’s 2014 online courses related to Finance and Investment is now open. This year, you will acquirepractical knowledge on the typical challenges that you are faced with every day as an official or an entrepreneur striving for success. Inthese times of uncertainty and volatility, finance and investment have become sensitive matters.
31 January, 2014, Geneva, Switzerland. Registration for UNITAR’s 2014 online courses related to Trade is now open. These courses will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed as a public official or professional in charge of trade-related issues. It is widely accepted that a well-functioning global trading system is a prerequisite for trade promotion and the development of developing countries.
January 2014, Hiroshima, Japan - UNITAR is pleased to announce that a new Head of Hiroshima Office, Ms. Mihoko Kumamoto, took office from January 2014.
22-23 January 201, Nairobi, Kenya - Over 70 participants coming from the member states of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), international organizations, UN agencies, the private sector, academia and the media met in Nairobi to discuss how to strengthen the action of IGAD and its member states to build resilience and response to disasters in the region.
24 Janua
17 January 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - 2014 is a crucial year for the disaster reduction community.
17 January 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - UNOSAT released fresh analysis illustrating how people are fleeing violence in urban areas in South Sudan to seek refuge at UN bases nearby. In one of the analyses, UNOSAT experts have documented the growth of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Rubkona base of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).
8 January 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - UNOSAT continues its monitoring of the large population of internally displaced persons roaming in and around Mogadishu, Somalia. In its new analytical report released on 2 January, UNOSAT says less IDPs are living in Mogadishu city than previously.