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28 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) Division for People and Awareness Ties have recently signed a non-financial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The two partners will work together in the framework of UNITAR’s 1M2030 Initiative (One Million Youth Leaders Beyond 2030).
17 July 2020, Baku, Azerbaijan - The Programme on “Capacity Building in Nigeria’s Oil & Gas Industry” was created by UNITAR’s Division for People and its Nigeria Project Office, in partnership with Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS), and with the support of the Nigerian Government. The project, launched in 2019, brought 7 young Nigerian students to Baku, Azerbaijan, to pursue Bachelor’s degrees in a 4-year programme at BHOS.
Kossiwa J. Tossoukpe is the founder of KESecurix - Diversity in Security, and a former police officer in Zurich, Switzerland. At age 21, she was the youngest in her police academy class, and the first Black woman to join the force. Kossiwa studied at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland, where she obtained a Master's degree in International Relations and Global Security. She was also a Trainee at UNITAR's Division for Peace, supporting the pre-deployment training team. Kossiwa's consultancy firm focuses on enhancing and including the voices of female security consultants, and especially those of colour.
16 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR is pleased to present the Emoji Campaign “Stand Up for Road Safety” developed with the support of British Petroleum (BP) and the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE) to promote respect of traffic rules and good road safety behavior by all road users.
July 2020 - In an interview, Mr. Nikhil Seth, the Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), discusses how education and learning can underpin a green economic recovery from COVID-19—as one that cuts CO2 emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and promotes sustainable economic activities to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
15 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) and Kids Operating Room (KidsOR) have signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU was signed within the context of UNITAR’s Global Surgery Initiative and the development of the Global Surgery Foundation (GSF).
During the course, we talked often amongst the other participants of the ELPE. Before the ELPE, I didn’t think about SDG evaluation. Gradually, with my colleagues in the class we exchanged our knowledge and opinions. It was very effective to talk with the other colleagues from all over [the world]. We shared knowledge, and I was inspired, so I decided to start the SDG evaluation in Japan. They are also working on the SDG evaluation in their [respective] countries.
The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is a joint mechanism between five UN agencies, of which the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is one. Hosted and led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), PAGE aims to help Member States embark on a greener and more inclusive growth trajectory by putting sustainability at the heart of economic policies and practices to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
On 14 July 2020, UNICEF, UNECA and UNITAR organized an online side event “Strengthening National Capacities for the World We Want – Embedding Evaluation in Voluntary National Reviews” during the virtual 2020 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The event aimed to explore and promote the use of evaluative thinking and evidence within Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). Representatives from UNICEF, UNECA and UNITAR were joined by panelists from several African countries to share their experiences and the challenges and opportunities they have faced in their VNR and evaluation processes.
Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) are effective tools for the collection and dissemination of data on emissions and transfers of a determined list of chemicals. The availability of this information can help policy-makers to identify the source of chemical pollution in the country to make informed decisions on how to best remediate degraded environments and enact policies related to the sound management of chemicals.