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16 November 2020, Dakar, Senegal – To join the global activities during the World Day of Remembrance, UNITAR and the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL) in Dakar, in partnership with the Municipality of Dakar, and with the support of Diageo inaugurated on 16 November 2020 the training course “High Visibility Enforcement Interventions: Law Enforcement to Reduce Road Traffic Crashes related to Drivers using Alcohol”.
9 November 2020, Merida, Mexico – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL) in Merida hosted a two-day virtual workshop on the role and contribution that Media can make in the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
9 November 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR’s Road Safety Global Training Initiative successfully concluded its Learning Webinar Series on Management Practices for Safer Roads, reaching 895 participants from the public and private sectors, academia and NGOs from 89 countries around the globe.
3 November 2020 - COVID-19 has led to a parallel pandemic of disinformation that directly impacts lives and livelihoods around the world. Falsehoods and misinformation have proven deadly and sowed confusion about life-saving personal and policy choices. We are in the midst of a disinfodemic.
26 October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR and the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE) renewed its three-year cooperation agreement to continue to build capacity through CIFAL Madrid - the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Madrid.
23 October 2020, Bonn, Germany - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is now the 24th and newest member of the UN family in Bonn. UNITAR, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, opens its third out-posted office in the UN City in Germany, following the offices in the United States (New York) and Japan (Hiroshima). The Institute has several project offices and affiliated training centres around the world.
Governments around the world have been at the forefront in the fight against global crises, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, the disruptive nature of the COVID-19 crisis has exposed a deeper level of vulnerability in our communities, by creating unprecedented socio-economic and cultural implications. During the crisis, public servants have been faced with the unparalleled urgency to formulate new ways of thinking, adapt to new realities and prepare for the unknown future.

Due to this urgent need to support Government officials, UNITAR’s Division for People and Social Inclusion is launching its new course on Monday the 2nd of November 2020, entitled: ‘Crisis Management for Public Officials: The Skills Necessary to Effectively Manage a Crisis and Continually Deliver to the People you Serve’ (also known as: ‘Crisis Management for Public Officials: Basic Skills’).
16 October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNOSAT and UNDP, longstanding partners, are cooperating on a new satellite imagery analysis application, through the production of maps used in the validation of the civil and electoral registries in Vanuatu’s 83 islands.
October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - New digital innovations have the potential to transform the way policing is delivered. This conference will bring together industry, government, and academic experts from the technological, security, and investigations industry to discuss and present the new technological innovations that have applications in the areas of crime prevention and control.
5 October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR, in partnership with the Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative, the University of Geneva and the Tsinghua University, launch the SDG Innovation Bootcamps, a series of short programmes (online or hybrid) aimed at a new generation of impact entrepreneurs, willing to collectively act in order to identify, delineate and address outstanding challenges for the SDGs, through open innovation.