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If the rising trend of NCDs is not addressed now, the current burden will just continue to increase and the cost of this will be felt across all aspects of health care, across government and within local communities.
“One of the important technical backstopping we’ve received is the lockdown maps which have helped the NDMO’s camp sector committee identify potential quarantine stations.”
"The work on this course has been a very practical level of collaboration linked to the network and as a result, we have also started looking into developing microlearning on statistics.”
“As a student, it is not common to come across professionals who work in the UN System. This was an opportunity to interact with many of them!”
“We discovered that the SDGs are completely interrelated. If you are working to improve access to water, you are going to improve access to health. Consequently, you will improve access to education. Consequently, you will improve access to employment.”
"I plan to open my own cafe where I can employ single mothers and young people and teach them everything I learnt about developing simple business ideas that, hopefully, they will be able to apply to their own lives.”
“The course brings interesting case studies and I connected with two of them that were about microfinance institutions from Kenya that target people in rural areas.”
“It was a huge task, but I decided to challenge myself and go through it, and I’m glad I did.”
Maurici’s Lighthouse School is shedding light on climate change issues in a rural community in Brazil and leading to collection action.
Khamis Bol Ajak Aguar of South Sudan is passionate. Passionate about passing on the knowledge and skills he learned from UNITAR and his studies, educating youth, and bringing peace and prosperity to his country. UNITAR is delighted to have Khamis as a volunteer coach for South Sudanese youth in our entrepreneurship programme and to see how our remarkable alumni are bringing about positive change in the world.