
                                                                CLICK HERE TO SHARE YOUR INTEREST!


The project is guided by the main research themes:  

  • History of the International Political Economy
  • Globalization and the Global Economy
  • The Rise of Populism and Economic Implications
  • Conflict, Instability, and Global Security
  • Adapting to Disruptive Change  

Supervisor: Dr Lucía Morales 

Award Level: PhD 

Mode of Study: Full-Time or Part-Time, with flexible modalities. 

Student Requirements: Applicants from any discipline are welcome, subject to a 2.1 award. 

Funding: Self-funded. (Fees and materials to be covered by the student; material costs are not significant.) 

Expression of Interest: If you are interested in applying for this project, please complete the Expression of Interest. 



United Nations Institute for Training and Research 

Av. de la Paix 7 bis, 1202 Genève, Switzerland 

Dr Jon-Hans Coetzer 

Senior Programme Specialist, Online Learning and Education Unit 

E-mail: jon-hans.coetzer@unitar.org 

TU Dublin  


Technological University Dublin   

Aungier St, Dublin 2, D02 HW71, Ireland   

Dr Lucía Morales 

Programme Coordinator  

E-mail: lucia.morales@tudublin.ie 

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