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23 October 2020, Bonn, Germany - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is now the 24th and newest member of the UN family in Bonn. UNITAR, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, opens its third out-posted office in the UN City in Germany, following the offices in the United States (New York) and Japan (Hiroshima). The Institute has several project offices and affiliated training centres around the world.
14 October 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – The United Nation’s Operational Programme for Satellite Analysis and Applied Research (UNOSAT) remotely joined the training on Information Management led by UNITAR Division for Peace. This training was delivered for the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) in September 2020 in Chad.
17 September 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - The COVID-19 outbreak that began in late 2019 evolved rapidly and globally. The pandemic, and subsequent policy and security measures taken in response, impacted the administration of justice in every legal system around the globe. One of the greatest impacts is that lockdown measures and social distancing have rendered in-person hearings challenging or impossible. The disruption to conducting hearings and other judicial proceedings has the potential to significantly undermine access to justice, due process, and civil and human rights.
September 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - Last August, the Whitaker Peace & Development Initiative (WPDI) signed a partnership agreement with the Division for Peace of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to review and enhance the curriculum WPDI uses to train their Youth Peacemakers to become leaders and trainers. Building on the wide expertise and experience of UNITAR in providing innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations, and institutions to support global and local action for lasting peace and sustainable development, this collaboration will increase the capacity of WPDI Peacemakers to disseminate knowledge and skills in vulnerable and conflict-affected communities, notably in South Sudan, South Africa, and Uganda.
7 August, Geneva, Switzerland - The Division for Peace of UNITAR is pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Paris School of Advanced International and Political Studies (Hautes Études Internationales et Politiques – HEIP Paris). The newly signed Memorandum of Understanding outlines the scope of future collaboration that will include the establishment of a Master's degree and a research centre in various thematic areas such as conflict prevention, peace development and the rule of law, in Paris and North Africa.
Kossiwa J. Tossoukpe is the founder of KESecurix - Diversity in Security, and a former police officer in Zurich, Switzerland. At age 21, she was the youngest in her police academy class, and the first Black woman to join the force. Kossiwa studied at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland, where she obtained a Master's degree in International Relations and Global Security. She was also a Trainee at UNITAR's Division for Peace, supporting the pre-deployment training team. Kossiwa's consultancy firm focuses on enhancing and including the voices of female security consultants, and especially those of colour.
Collegium Civitas has become the first Polish university to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Division for Peace. The MoU outlines the scope of prospective collaboration that includes: training and degree programmes in various thematic fields such as sustainable development, international security and the rule of law.
10 June 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - The renewed and expanded partnership between UNITAR Division for Peace and the World Humanitarian Forum (WHF) aims to address the limitations imposed by the pandemic to ensure training and development can be delivered uninterrupted and more importantly, to ensure that no one is left behind. In May, the two partners launched WHF Learning – an online platform that intends to increase the awareness of available free distance learning opportunities for professionals in the international community and beyond. WHF Learning is a part of the broader WHF Digital Series that includes open interactive webinars, online courses and podcasts.
10 June 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - This March, UNITAR Division for Peace and the Justice and Corrections Service (JCS) of the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI), United Nations Department of Peace Operations (UN DPO), partnered to developed two new operational documents designed to support collective COVID-19 response within the justice, security and corrections sector.
29 May 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - Held on the occasion of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2020, this online expert briefing focused on the future of peacekeeping:
- How will peacekeeping respond to likely funding shortages, and to working in environments weakened by the three “I”-s: instability, inequality, and infectious disease?
- How should capacity building initiatives change in order to mitigate some of the challenges identified above, allowing peacekeepers to implement the mandate more safely and efficiently, in line with the A4P framework?
- What is the short, medium, and long-term gendered impact of this crisis on individual peacekeepers’ well-being? What approaches can be used to help them help others?
Organised in the format of an interactive and open-to-all discussion, the briefing features not only the informed insights of the panelists, but also a virtual Q&A session.