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31 March 2019, Quito, Ecuador- The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Quito (CIFAL Quito) jointly with the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE) hosted the dialogue “Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities” on March 8th.
26-28 March 2019, Merida, Mexico – UNITAR and the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Merida (CIFAL Merida) in collaboration with the Secretary of Public Safety of the State of Yucatan and the Municipality of Merida, with the support of Diageo hosted a three-day in-depth training workshop for law enforcement officers from the Dominican Republic to strengthen their capacities to implement breathalyzer campaigns in the Dominican Republic.
26 March 2019, Curitiba, Brazil – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) jointly with SESI Parana, the Global Compact Network Brazil, and the Corporate Citizenship Council of Parana (CPCE) held a meeting aimed at promoting the inclusion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in business strategies.
20-23 March 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with Jeju Tourism Organization and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province conducted the workshop “Ecotourism for a Sustainable Future of Asia-Pacific”.
15-16 March 2019, Atlanta, United States - The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Atlanta (CIFAL Atlanta) in partnership with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco; Université Hassan II de Casablanca; High Atlas Foundation; Casablanca Travel & Tours; Friends of Morocco; Imperial Fez; Kennesaw State University’s Division of Global Affairs hosted the 35th Annual Country Study Program’s International Conference on Gender, Identity and Youth Empowerment.
12- 14 March, 2019, Puerto Rico, USA – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Merida (CIFAL Merida) in partnership with the International Airport of Merida, Aerostar, C-Prep Programme and the International Council of Airports in Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) joined forces to carry out the International Seminar on Hurricane Preparedness.
13 March 2019, Curitiba, Brazil – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) in partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Parana (FIEP) System hosted the first training seminar of its “Compliance and Integrity Programme”.
The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with Jeju National University conducted the course “International Cooperation”, which forms part of Jeju National University’s ‘Global Public Diplomacy Training.
The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) started the “Women in Science” Lecture Series to highlight the role of women in development. The Lectures started on 28 February and will be conducted throughout the month on March across SESI Schools in the State of Paraná, Brazil.
20-22 February 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with Global Inner Peace conducted the workshop “Accelerating SDGs Achievement through ICT”.