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4 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - Strategy consultants from Simon-Kucher & Partners visited UNITAR over the summer to explore and assess new income streams for growth.
3 September 2019, New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Research and Training (UNITAR) New York Office organized a training course with the sponsorship of the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, entitled “Joint Swiss-UNITAR Briefing on United Nations Budgetary Matters.” The course is comprised of several sessions across four days and introduces delegates to the work, rules, and procedures of the Fifth Committee and the United Nations budget system.
26 August 2019, Curitiba, Brazil – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) and The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Quito (CIFAL Quito) jointly with the Social Observatory of Brazil held the 3rd Congress Pact for Brazil. The objective of the event is twofold: to gather key stakeholders to promote dialogue on quality of public resources administration, transparency and accountability; and to improve public sector efficiency and to combat corruption.
07-08 August 2019, Brasilia, Brazil – UNITAR, the World Family Organization (WFO) and CIFAL Curitiba, in collaboration with the Government of the District of Brasilia, the National Association of Departments of Transportation (Associação Nacional de Detrans), and the Brazilian Association of State Roads Departments (Associação Brasileira dos Departamentos Estaduais de Estradas de Rodagem) and with the support of Diageo hosted the Road Safety International Conference in Brasilia, Brazil.
06 August 2019, Quezon City, Philippines – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Philippines (CIFAL Philippines) in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, the International Labour Organization and UN Women launched the Global Migration Professional Course at the School of Statistics, University of the Philippines Diliman.
26 July 2019, New York, NY, USA- United Nations Institute for Training and Research New York Office (UNITAR NYO) prepared a briefing program for the summer camp students enrolled with College Daily Inc. in China. The summer camp converges on diplomacy since College Daily Inc. is a company that directs on promoting studying overseas and global citizenship. The students were welcomed to the office of UNITAR in New York. H.E. Mr. Marco Suazo greeted the students and introduced the work of the United Nations and the responsibilities of UNITAR. The students expressed their gratitude and engaged in the discussions about multilateral diplomacy.
Launch: UNITAR’s E-Learning Course Achieving Peace, Preventive Diplomacy, Multilateral Negotiation and Mediation. “A Road to a Call for Peace – E-Learning Course”.

15 July 2019, New York, USA – In the framework of the High-Level Political Forum 2019: Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality, UNITAR launched an interactive e-learning Road Safety Toolkit that presents a practical management methodology to:
• Collect data on the number and location of deaths by road user type
• Identify hazardous and critical road locations and sections where excessive numbers or severity of crashes occur
• Outline corrective measures
• Implement interventions and monitor results
17 July 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea - The International Training Centres for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) and in Newcastle (CIFAL Newcastle) hosted the 14th Youth Workshop on Engagement for Sustainable Consumption and Production from 10 to 12 July 2019 in Jeju, South Korea. The workshop gathered students from different backgrounds and nationalities including 20 students from the University of Newcastle in Australia, and 27 Korean and International students enrolled in various universities in the Republic of Korea.
17 July 2019, Curitiba, Brazil- The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) jointly with the Federation of Industries of the State of Parana (FIEP) System and Faculties of Industry held a workshop on “Innovating 2030: Thinking about the SDGs” on 29 June 2019. This event provided a venue for dialogue amongst industrial automation and mechanical manufacturing students to think and discuss innovative solutions to social, environmental and economic problems. Students as future leaders are pivotal in order to tackle urgent global challenges through innovation.