Displaying 121 - 130 of 438
15 September 2022, New York USA, hybrid briefing – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research Office in New York (UNITAR NYO) and the Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegations (HCUND) have successfully led a joint briefing at the Permanent Mission of Monaco to the United Nations that highlighted UNITAR NYO mission and work as well as the 77th General Assembly and 2023 Priorities.
12-13 September 2022, New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) office in New Yor, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Singapore to the United Nations as Chair of the Forum of Small States (FOSS), concluded a two-day course entitled “Briefing New Delegates on the Work of the 77th General Assembly” with approximately 170 participants attending in-person and over video conference.
31 August - 1 September 2022, New York, USA – UNITAR office in New York together with the Permanent Missions of Ecuador, Finland, and Malaysia held the “Transition Workshop” to support the incoming team of the office of the President of the General Assembly. The initiative pretends to be a permanent feature of the annual UNITAR calendar to back this critical transition.
August 30-31, 2022, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York office, organized a workshop on Drafting Resolutions virtually to support Honduran diplomats. More than 100 career diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation attended from its different embassies, consulates, and accredited offices, which contributed to the two-day sessions marking a fruitful program.
30-31 Agosto 2022, Nueva York, USA – El Instituto de Naciones Unidas para la Formación e Investigación (UNITAR), oficina de Nueva York, organizó el taller sobre Redacción de Resoluciones de manera virtual para apoyar a los diplomáticos hondureños. Atendieron más de 100 diplomáticos de carrera de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores y Cooperación Internacional desde sus diferentes embajadas, consulados y oficinas acreditadas, los cuales contribuyeron a que las sesiones de dos días marcaran un fructífero programa.
8 - 9 September, New York USA, hybrid seminar - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Office in New continued the Joint Swiss-UNITAR Briefing on United Nations Budgetary Matters training series on Tuesday, 6th September 2022.
6 - 7 September, New York, USA, hybrid seminar - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Office in New York successfully launched the Joint Swiss-UNITAR Briefing on United Nations Budgetary Matters training series on Tuesday, 6th September 2022.
07 September 2022, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office, in partnership with the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA) of the 76th session, successfully held the closing ceremony for the 2022 President of the General Assembly Fellowship for HOPE (Harnessing Opportunities for Promoting Empowerment of Youth). The ceremony aimed to celebrate the fellow’s graduation from the fellowship.
29 July 2022, New York, United States - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office held a session on Human Rights during the weekly training workshops for the 2022 President of the General Assembly Fellowship for HOPE (Harnessing Opportunities for Promoting Empowerment of Youth) — UNITAR Office in New York's flagship initiative. Fellowship workshops are held every Friday at the United Nations Headquarters and feature multiple distinguished high-level speakers from various branches of the United Nations.
18-22 July 2022, New York, U.S.A. – In partnership with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) office in New York hosted the third annual Women in Cyber training programme attended by a group of 24 women, coming from different regions around the world. The event was sponsored by the Governments of Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, the U.K., and consisted of eight sessions held between the 18th and 22nd of July 2022, which focused on Drafting Resolutions, Cyber Policy, Leadership and United Nations Negotiations. Since the pandemic, this was the first Women in Cyber training held in-person.