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Since 2005, UNITAR supports this process through the Migration and Development Seminar Series at United Nations Headquarters. The Series is implemented in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the MacArthur Foundation.
On the 8th of December, UNITAR signed a new cooperation framework in
information technologies with the European Organization for Nuclear
Research, CERN . In signing this agreement, UNITAR intends to develop the
long standing and fruitful collaboration that its operational satellite
applications programme "UNOSAT" already had with CERN. Thanks to this
partnership UNITAR will benefit from the CERN IT infrasctructure, and the
partners will notably engage themselves in joint research projects to
The UNITAR Climate Change programme on 4th December 2008 launched a new project on capacity building and adaptation to climate change with 7 regional centers of excellence found in Asia, Africa the Caribbean and the South Pacific, after having secured a 1 million EURO grant from the European Commission/Cooperation Aid.
The United Nations agencies on Monday 8th December 2008, presented to an audience of more than 100 participants their capacity building and development activities to address climate change.
UNITAR and UNDP Iraq are implementing a two week training course for diplomats and staff of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The course aims to contribute to efforts by the United Nations to assist the Foreign Ministry's Ad Hoc Support Mechanism, established in connection with the Expanded Ministerial Conference of Neighboring Countries under Security Council resolution 1770.
December 5, 2008

E-Learning Project for a Global Audience of Public Debt Auditors

UNITAR and INTOSAI from Oslo - Norway, a nongovernmental organization with special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, have launched a joint e-Learning initiative for Public Debt Auditors from Supreme Audit Institutions. The joint project emphasizes the importance of the use of new information and communication technologies for training outreach and cost-effectiveness.