CIFAL Płock (Poland), in cooperation with its partners UNITAR, Veolia Environnement and the Municipality of Płock, is going to hold a workshop on “Environmental Education and Urban Challenges“on 22-24 September 2009.   The workshop is going to allow 25 representatives from various countries in Central and Eastern Europe  (Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, and Russia etc.) to discuss environmental education challenges in the region, how to engage communities and raise awareness. Participants represent local authorities, NGOs, research institutes, universities, as well as the private sector.   Participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and share best practices. They are expected to leave Płock with a better understanding of the respective roles of the stakeholders and particularly local authorities and community organizations in raising awareness among the public on environmental issues. Knowledge gained in the workshop will also contribute to optimizing public education programs and to a more effective policy in the field.   The final agenda and the list of participants will soon be made available on UNITAR website.   For further information, please contact:

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