The 17th workshop organized by CIFAL Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in cooperation with UNITAR, CITYNET, Veolia Environnement and City Hall of Kuala Lumpur will cover the topic “Integrated Urban Planning for Sustainable Urban Management”. It will take place on 10-13 August 2009 in the City Hall of Kuala Lumpur.

Urban planning should be an inclusive process making use of interdisciplinary expertise. Therefore, the workshop will be open to 20 participants from the Asian-Pacific region representing national governments, local authorities, civil society organizations (including academic fields) and local and regional experts on urban planning.   Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their capacity and knowledge within the field of integrated urban planning and to know more on how to activate public participation. The workshop will also be an opportunity to share experiences and good practices in the field of integrated urban planning in the region.   Lastly, this event will also allow participants to strengthen their networks and to create new partnerships.   Individual action plans for each city will ensure the sustainability of the outcomes.   The final agenda and the list of participants will soon be made available on UNITAR website.   For further information, please contact:

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