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1 March 2011.  Geneva, Switzeralnd.  UNITAR Executive Director Carlos Lopes met with H.E.  Mr. Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand. The meeting was intended to familiarize Minister Piromya  with the overall work of the Institute with a view to examining cooperation prospects in various areas, also at a regional level.
Geneva 3 March 2011 - Based on a rapid assessment of very-high resolution satellite imagery recorded this morning at 11:26 am local time, UNOSAT released the first satellite based report focusing on people moving away from Libya to flee violence. The report shows several thousands of people located primarily within the Ra´s Ajdir border crossing

1 March 2011.  Geneva, Switzerland.  UNITAR Executive Director Carlos Lopes had the honour of receiving a high-level visit from the Costa Rican Foreign Minister, Mr. René Castro Salazar, at UNITAR Headquarters in Geneva. During the meeting, Minister Castro expressed his full satisfaction with the past and ongoing cooperation between the Republic of Costa Rica and UNITAR in the area of environmental protection.
UNOSAT took part in an innovative initiative in the area of artistic imaging leading to an exhibition in Geneva in March 2011 and a permanent exhibition in Karlsruhe.
28 February 2011.  Geneva, Switzerland.  Ambassador Patricia Espinosa, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and the Chair of the conferences on climate change, COP16/CMP6, shared her vision of the future of the climate change response in an open dialogue with the Geneva-based diplomatic community, NGOs, and representatives of intern
ADPC and UNOSAT create partnership to increase capacity development in Asia and the Pacific.
As the UN Security Council prepares to issue a firm resolution on Libya, thousands of civilians are reportedly dead in clashes with armed forces within the country. As events evolve rapidly, accurate information from the United Nations and its partners about the situation on the ground remains scant.  UNOSAT has received various requests for baseline mapping and analysis in connection with the current surge of humanitarian response preparedness.
Monday 28 February 2011, 15:00 – 16:30, Room XVI of the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
UNITAR Executive Director Carlos Lopes (shown in the photo on the left, front left) and the High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres (front right) signed a comprehensive agreement concerning the support to be provided by UNITAR
Washington DC, 20 February 2011 – The Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) hosted a session on “Joining Forces in Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction” dedicated to the partnership model launched by UNOSAT, the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (