July 2012, Chisinau, Moldova - A Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Stocktaking and Training Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe took place in Chisinau, Moldova from 17-19 July 2012.

The workshop involved approximately 60 participants from the region, including government officials, business and industry, and public interest and labour organisation representatives involved in sectors affected by the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The purpose of the workshop was to familiarise participants with all general aspects of GHS and to train them in applying the GHS for the classification and labeling of chemicals substances and mixtures. The event was also an opportunity to discuss experiences with GHS implementation in countries of Central and Eastern Europe and consider concrete issues related to GHS implementation in the region. The workshop was organized through the collaboration of the Ministry of Environment of Moldova, UNITAR and International Labour Organisation (ILO), with financial support from SAICM Quick Start Program Trust Fund (QSPTF).

This event is part of the project "Evaluating and Strengthening National and Reginal Capacities for Implementing the Globally Hermonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) and Supporting SAICM Implementation in Central and Eastern Europe" funded by SAICM QSPTF and executed by Moldova and UNITAR as as the international implementing agency.

The outputs of the workshop will soon be available at this UNITAR Chemicals and Waste Management page.

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