25 July, Geneva, Switzerland: UNITAR’s Chemicals and Waste Management programme has launched its first e-learning course “Classifying and Labelling Chemicals According to the UN GHS”. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) was adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) in 2003. The GHS is an important tool that countries can draw upon to develop national chemical hazard communication systems by providing a basis for the establishment of comprehensive chemical safety programs. Increasingly being implemented around the world, the GHS represents a key step in harmonizing national chemical hazard communication systems worldwide and has great potential to improve chemical safety across all relevant sectors.
In order to provide interested stakeholders from government, business, civil society, and academia with training on the GHS, UNITAR is offering this interactive e-learning course. The course is adapted from the GHS training course materials developed by UNITAR, International Labour Organisation (ILO), and OHP (Orange House Partnership), and peer-reviewed by a technical advisory group of UNITAR/ILO in the context of the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS (UN SCEGHS).
The course will run between 15 October and 30 November 2012. For more information: http://www.unitar.org/event/classifying-and-labelling-chemicals-according-un-ghs.