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3-7 April, 2017, Port Louis, Mauritius - With the goal of stimulating both the demand and the supply side of the provision of quality education of inclusive green economy (IGE) in Mauritius, UNITAR organized a one-day workshop (3 April) on “IGE in Mauritius: What skills do we need?”, as well as a training of trainers (5 – 6 April) on “How to design, develop and deliver effective e-learning”. The events were organized jointly with the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform and the Civil Service College, Mauritius, withing the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).
31 March 2017, Geneva, Switzerland - UN CC:Learn is pleased to announce the launch of a new introductory e-tutorial on "Climate Information and Services" for decision-makers and professionals from Africa and beyond, which has been developed in collaboration with United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). The tutorial is available on UN CC:e-Learn platform.