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Suddenly, the UN international dialogue was something that I was talking about with people, and they were keen to be involved, to support, and to learn more about it.
Once industrial facilities start to introduce and submit their PRTR, they will be much more aware of their pollution and emissions and consequently more interested in investing in greener technologies for their facilities, which contributes to sustainable development.
We saw a need for a change of attitude so we began to identify local opportunities to strengthen social cohesion and to build capacity in our own communities.
I was a middle-class family child and during my upbringing, I saw many young people in my community whose parents struggled with paying their school fees, especially those for high education. I used to ask myself ‘what can I do to help people achieve their dreams?’
The UNITAR training took place just one week after his first session as a UN mandate holder — the youngest person ever appointed to a UN indigenous-specific mechanism and with the least amount of international experience. “There was no accommodation time, as the work of mandate holders is very responsible and challenging, and indigenous peoples around the world expect results and efficiency from experts.”
November 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - What would be key elements to consider in the management of international waters? Is the way in which women and men interact with water resources relevant? Check out a new free e-learning module on gender and international waters to understand why it is important to engage both women and men to foster a more equitable and sustainable water resource use for everybody. 
The green economy concept in Mongolia connects heavily to the herding communities, where natural resources (pastureland and water) and the environmental challenges, and human development are the key areas of the ‘green changes’.
09 September 2019, Bangkok, Thailand – UNOSAT delivered a training on geospatial big data applications for sustainable development to enhance the capacity of the Member States of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) together with regional partners, from 5 to 9 August 2019, at the Space Krenovation Park (SKP) in Chonburi province of Thailand.
26 July 2019, New York, NY, USA- United Nations Institute for Training and Research New York Office (UNITAR NYO) prepared a briefing program for the summer camp students enrolled with College Daily Inc. in China. The summer camp converges on diplomacy since College Daily Inc. is a company that directs on promoting studying overseas and global citizenship. The students were welcomed to the office of UNITAR in New York. H.E. Mr. Marco Suazo greeted the students and introduced the work of the United Nations and the responsibilities of UNITAR. The students expressed their gratitude and engaged in the discussions about multilateral diplomacy.
Launch: UNITAR’s E-Learning Course Achieving Peace, Preventive Diplomacy, Multilateral Negotiation and Mediation. “A Road to a Call for Peace – E-Learning Course”.