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“Health emergencies are included in DRR, and the COVID-19 outbreak definitely falls under the definition of a disaster. The lockdowns to control the spread of the disease, the vaccination programmes – of which the role out primarily depends on the local governments – and the layout of recovery plans are part of the strategies governments have taken to minimize the impact of this health disaster”.
“The workshop made me see the need to diversify as an entrepreneur [...]. I have now decided to spend more time attending to my fish farm since the opportunities for increased livelihood are higher in agribusiness livelihood are higher in agribusiness.”
“People are used to training in which one arrives with a notebook and a pencil, sits down and takes notes, but the training offered by UNITAR was quite experiential. The facilitators shared their experiences with us and helped us build trust. This inspired us to share our own story and experiences without fear of judgment.”
"Peace depends on us... One of the most effective ways to demonstrate our impact is to invest in prevention. We spend far more time and resources managing and responding to crises than on preventing them. Our approach needs to be rebalanced.”
8 October 2021, Hiroshima, Japan – UNITAR Division for Prosperity is relaunching a programme in Afghanistan that had been halted due to unrest in the country.
21 September 2021, New York, USA – Improving road safety globally requires solutions that can be implemented consistently over the next decade. UNITAR, the Ministry of Transport of the Federal District of Brazil, and AB InBev gathered in New York to present the “Management Practices for Safer Roads Toolkit – The Immersive Virtual Experience”.
September 2021 - UNITAR, as the member of the Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST), has recently published an article entitled “Strengthening the competencies of policy makers for better use of data in public policy design” in the Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS).
September 2021 - UN SDG:Learn launched its Blog and Podcast series featuring unique organic contact with inputs from various experts.

Visit UN SDG:Learn Blog and Podcast pages.
September 2021 - Crowd4SDG Consortium has launched the second GEAR Cycle of the project. This year the project aims to address two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Goal 13 on Climate Change and Goal 5 on Gender Equality. With its launch, it calls for projects that will aim to tackle climate change and gender challenges with crowdsourcing solutions. This is an open challenge competition that uses crowdsourcing as a way to gather information or stimulate actions taken by large numbers of ordinary citizens. Individuals or teams can propose projects at the scale of a community, a region, a country or the entire world.
September 2021 - The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of people, and countries’ economies in unprecedented ways. The governments’ efforts to achieve the global 2030 Agenda have halted or even rolled back as a result of the global health crisis. A number of short-term measures had to be taken to respond to this health emergency and then address the recovery through significant money injections. This short-term response has, however, at times failed to account for mid-term and long-term effects and objectives. The need for a sustainable recovery as part of a more integrated and forward-looking vision has been broadly recognized by many countries and stakeholders as the basis for the achievement of the SDGs and national priorities.