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2 April 2024, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL) in Jeju was established in 2010 through a collaboration between UNITAR and the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, and the International Peace Foundation.
12 April, 2024, Online - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in partnership with Technological University Dublin, partnership with Çağ Üniversitesi, launches its inaugural executive course: Sustainability Programme for Global Changemakers: Navigating the UN 2030 Agenda.
28 March 2024, Hiroshima, Japan – UNITAR and the Hiroshima Prefectural Government signed the Eighth Special Purpose Grant Agreement, for fiscal years 2024 to 2026. Through the agreement, the two entities renewed the partnership that began in 2003 and the Hiroshima Prefectural Government committed to financially support the UNITAR Hiroshima Office’s training programmes over the next three years. Mr. Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, and Mr. Nikhil Seth, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR signed the agreement at a ceremony held on 26 March 2024 at the Hiroshima Prefectural Government.
27 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – On 22 March 2024, UNITAR proudly announced the launch of UNITAR’s Global Water Academy (UGWA) platform under the auspices of World Water Day during its event entitled “Addressing Water for Peace: The Role of Capacity Building in Water Governance in Conflict and Humanitarian Settings".
27 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Global Surgery Foundation (GSF), and the Second Chance Association, hosted a special hybrid event titled: “Why Reconstructive Surgery Belongs to the Humanitarian Response in Post-conflict and Disaster Emergencies?” on March 21, 2024.
22 March 2024, Newcastle, Australia - The University of Newcastle and CIFAL Newcastle in collaboration with Hunter New England LHD, and Menzies School of Health Research recently hosted the graduation ceremony for the newest graduating Fellows of the Field Epidemiology Training Programme of Papua New Guinea (FETPNG) at NUspace. The nine-month programme aims to strengthen health systems and improve health through field epidemiology.
21 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - To promote cooperation between member states and between member states and international and regional organizations on conflict prevention and response, UNITAR, the African Union, the World Bank Group, in collaboration with the Colombian Permanent Mission to the UN, organized a side event to the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, titled Building Bridges for Peace. An exchange of experiences on DDR and its linkages with human rights, early warning, and conflict prevention between Colombia and African Contexts, that took place on 11 March 2024 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was organized in the framework of the UK FCDO-funded joint African Union, United Nations and World Bank programme “Strengthening Operational Linkages between Early Warning and Conflict Response (2023-2025)”.
20 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland – The United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) has released an updated assessment of the damage inflicted on buildings in the Gaza Strip. This analysis, based on very high-resolution satellite imagery collected on 29 February 2024, reveals a significant increase in destruction compared to previous assessments.
20 March 2024, Geneva / Bonn - The world’s generation of electronic waste is rising five times faster than documented e-waste recycling, the UN’s fourth Global E-waste Monitor (GEM) reveals today. The 62 million tonnes of e-waste generated in 2022 would fill 1.55 million 40-tonne trucks, roughly enough trucks to form a bumper-tobumper line encircling the equator, according to the report from ITU and UNITAR.
19 March 2024, Derby, United Kingdom - Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2023,  the University of Derby recently hosted the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The two-day visit started with a presentation on hostage negotiation in Afghanistan, highlighting the role of intergovernmental agencies and local leaders in safeguarding civilians. This was followed by a networking session with MSc Intelligence, Security and Disaster Management students, and staff from across the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences (BLSS).