Capacity-building for a resilient, safer and prosperous Asia Pacific
The Shimanami Collective comprises of three distinct yet interrelated training programmes to be implemented in more than 30 countries. These programmes will build capacity among government officials, public- and private-sector employees and individuals through specialized trainings in sea and human safety, early warning systems, and women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction.
The UNITAR programme on Sea and Human Security offered invaluable insights into integrating maritime and human security strategies. It enhanced my understanding of how to address the complex interplay between sea-level rise, resource management, and community resilience.”– Phimmaly Thammavong, Laos, Participant of Sea and Human Security Training Programme 2024
The training programmes have been made possible through the generous support of the Government and People of Japan.
Focus Topics
- Sea and human security
- Early warning systems
- Women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction
Indo-Pacific Islands Countries: Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.
Asia: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste.
Our Projects
Leaders for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Sea and Human Security
“Leaders for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Sea and Human Security” aims to provide participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and capacity to enhance climate, social, economic, food and maritime security and establish a coordination mechanism across the Pacific.
Leave No One Behind: Rapid Response to Climate Crises through Early Warning Systems
“Leave No One Behind: Rapid Response to Climate Crises through Early Warning Systems” aims to provide individuals and communities in the Pacific Island countries with the knowledge and skills to effectively disseminate, monitor, analyse and respond to early warning signals for climate-related hazards and extreme weather events.
Women’s Leadership in Tsunami-based Disaster Risk Reduction Training Programme
Women’s Leadership in Tsunami-based Disaster Risk Reduction Training Programme aims to equip women with lifelong skills to develop a more inclusive disaster risk reduction plan contextualized to the needs of their communities and countries
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